Java agent v3.0.0

October 1, 2013Download


The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.


  • Spring AOP instrumentation

    This version instruments any call that passes through an AOP pointcut that you have declared in your Spring application. This gives your additional insight into the call time of key Spring beans.

  • Performance Improvements

    This version contains optimizations that reduce agent overhead.

  • Fixes: Hibernate improvements

    In this version, we provide more consistent detail into Hibernate calls across supported version of Hibernate (3.3 - 4.2).

  • Fix: Removed need for WebSphere SSL work-around

    Previous versions sometimes required a work-around when using WebSphere. This version removes the need for a work-around.

  • NOTE: Requires Java SE 6 or 7

    Java Agent 3.0 requires Java SE 6 or 7. At signup or on the release notes page, you have the option to download a version of the agent that works with Java SE 5.