We created NRQL to query telemetry data, and every query made with NRQL only considers telemetry data that falls within a specified time range. If a query request doesn't specify a time range, it defaults to reporting the last hour of telemetry data by default. Fortunately, we have multiple ways to set time ranges for your query so that you can get exactly the data you need from precise buckets of time.
Specify a time range
You can use two methods to specify the time range in your queries:
Use the dashboard time picker. When viewing a dashboard, the time picker's range supersedes a query's SINCE and UNTIL clauses, unless you've configured the dashboard widgets to disable the time picker.
See the Specifying a time section below for a list of supported time formats.
Use time range snapping
You can sometimes adjust the specified SINCE and UNTIL times depending on the type of query you run with either metric or TIMESERIES range snapping.
Metric query snapping
Queries with metric events and some sample event types may need to adjust the time range based on the metric's roll-up time aggregations. For example:
FROM Metric SELECTsum(foo.count) SINCE '2023-12-20T00:04Z' UNTIL '2023-12-22T00:03Z'
Looking at the JSON response to this query, this 47-hour-and-59-minute time range resolves to 5-minute metric time aggregations, so the actual time range snaps to nearby aggregation boundaries: "beginTime": "2023-12-20T00:00:00Z", "endTime": "2023-12-22T00:00:00Z".
TIMESERIES query snapping
Queries with TIMESERIES may need to adjust the time range so the results do not include a partial time series bucket. For example:
FROM Foo SELECTcount(*) TIMESERIES 5 minutes SINCE '2023-12-20T00:04:59Z' UNTIL '2023-12-21T00:03:12Z'
Looking at the JSON response to this query, the time series buckets base themselves on the end of the time range, and the start time is adjusted so the first bucket in the response covers a full 5 minutes: "beginTime": "2023-12-20T00:08:12Z", "endTime": "2023-12-21T00:03:12Z".
Specify a time with SINCE and UNTIL
You have a few ways to specify time in the SINCE and until UNTIL clauses.
For each of the options listed below, the default timezone is UTC. Note that the user's preferred timezone isn't used for query execution: the user timezone preference only displays DateTime values.
If you want to specify a timezone other than UTC for the time range, you can include it in the DateTime string option, or you can use NRQL's WITH TIMEZONE clause.
Unix time (Epoch Milliseconds)
The time can be referenced as Unix time in milliseconds. This is the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, or midnight on the 1st of January, 1970. For example:
FROM Foo SELECT* SINCE 1702899296789 UNTIL 1702902896789
These timestamp values resolve to a time range starting at 2023-12-18T11:34:56.789Z and ending at 2023-12-18T12:34:56.789Z.
Relative time (n [time units] ago)
Relative time can be referenced as n [time units] ago with the following components:
n: A positive integer value.
[time units]: Available time units include milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months (defined as 30 days), quarters (defined as 91 days), or years (defined as 365 days). Time unit pluralization is optional, so you can leave the "s" off the end of the unit. 2 day ago and 2 days ago have the same meaning.
The time is relative to the time you run the query. For example, assume that you ran a query at 2023-12-18T12:34:56.789Z. You would get different results depending on what relative time value you used:
Relative time reference
Resolved time (UTC)
NOW (query execution time)
2 milliseconds ago
2 seconds ago
2 minutes ago
2 hours ago
2 days ago
2 weeks ago
2 months ago
2 quarters ago
2 years ago
Relative temporal time
You can also use relative time using temporal time references. These relative time references resolve to the beginning of the temporal time interval. A relative temporal time reference will honor a WITH TIMEZONE clause. Select a collapser below to see more information on specific temporal time references:
You can reference specific days, including today, yesterday or a weekday.
The most recent occurrence of a reference weekday will be used.
today - resolves to midnight this morning
yesterday - resolves to midnight yesterday morning
monday - resolves to midnight on the most recent Monday morning
tuesday - resolves to midnight on the most recent Tuesday morning
wednesday - resolves to midnight on the most recent Wednesday morning
thursday - resolves to midnight on the most recent Thursday morning
friday - resolves to midnight on the most recent Friday morning
saturday - resolves to midnight on the most recent Saturday morning
sunday - resolves to midnight on the most recent Sunday morning
When referencing a relative day, you can specify the time of day, overriding the default midnight time. For example: yesterday AT '01:23:45'.
The time reference must include the hour and minute, and optionally the second. The AT clause time doesn't support the inclusion of milliseconds or time zone references within the time string.
Note that today AT [time] in a SINCE clause will never reference a time in the future. If you reference a time in the future, the meaning of today will adjust to the previous day. So, if it's 12:00, and you use the SINCE clause as SINCE today AT 12:01, the resolved query begin time will set as yesterday at 12:01.
You can reference the current ("this") or most recently completed ("last") time unit.
this hour - The beginning of the current hour (0 minutes 0 seconds).
this week - The beginning of the current week. This refers to a business week, so this week resolves to
the most recent Monday morning at midnight.
this month - The beginning of the current month. This refers to midnight on the first day of the current month.
this quarter - The beginning of the current quarter. This refers to midnight on the first day of the current
quarter. Quarters begin on the first of the months January, April, July, and October.
this year - The beginning of the current year. This refers to midnight on the first day (January 1) of the current
last hour - The beginning of the previous hour.
last week - The beginning of the previous week.
last month - The beginning of the previous month.
last quarter - The beginning of the previous quarter.
last year - The beginning of the previous year.
In these examples, assume the query was executed at 2023-12-18T12:34:56.789Z (a Monday).
Relative temporal time reference
Resolved time (relative to 2023-12-18T12:34:56.789Z)
NOW (query execution time)
today at '01:23:45'
today at '23:45' (after execution time)
yesterday at '01:23:45'
monday at '01:23:45'
tuesday at '01:23:45'
wednesday at '01:23:45'
thursday at '01:23:45'
friday at '01:23:45'
saturday at '01:23:45'
sunday at '01:23:45'
this hour
last hour
this week
last week
this month
last month
this quarter
last quarter
this year
last year
Use a DateTime string
You can specify a time range time using a DateTime string. The parser generally supports the ISO 8601 DateTime format: '2023-12-18T12:34:56.789-06:00'. But, the DateTime parser can also recognize variants of the ISO standard format, like '2023-12-18 12:34'. The parser also supports date-only ('2023-12-18') and time-only ('12:34:56') strings. We have the options and examples for using a DateTime string below:
Overall structure
Year - (required) 4-digit year value.
Month - (required) 2-digit month value.
Day - (optional) 2-digit day value.
A DateTime string can include a Date without a Time, with the time value defaulting to midnight at the start of the given date. The dashes between date elements are optional (but recommended), so '20231218' is equivalent to '2023-12-18'.
Separates the date and time in a full DateTime string. Valid separating values are the capital letter T or a single space.
Hour - (required) 1- or 2-digit hour value, 00-23. 2-digits is recommended, per the ISO 8601 specification.
[.FractionalSecond] - (optional) 1 to 3-digit fractional second (milliseconds) value, 000-999. Only available when a :Second value is included.
A DateTime string can include a Time without a Date, with the date value defaulting to the current day. When a time is given without a date in the SINCE clause, if the time is in the future, the previous day will be used for the date.
When a Time follows a T, the colons are optional (but recommended). If the colons are excluded, the Hour must include 2 digits and AM/PM is not allowed. So, '20231218T123456.789' is equivalent to '2023-12-18T12:34:56.789'.
Optional - If TimeZone is not included in a DateTime string, the time zone indicated in the query's WITH TIMEZONE clause will be used if present, otherwise the UTC timezone will be used.
The TimeZone value can optionally be preceded by a space. It can be indicated in various formats.
Offset - Indicates the timezone hours and minutes relative to UTC.
(+|-)Hours[:]Minutes - i.e. Plus or minus, 2 digit hours, an optional colon, and finally 2 digit minutes. The letter Z is also supported, representing UTC, or an offset of zero.
Examples: -0600, Z, +0530, +05:30
Zone ID in square brackets - A Zone ID is a textual name of a timezone. Most (but not all) Zone IDs consist of a region followed by a slash and then a subregion. An advantage of using a region based Zone ID is that the DateTime parser will automatically adjust for the zone's daylight saving time rules.
AM or PM can be added to the end of a DateTime string. If present, the Hour value is interpreted as a 12 hour value rather than a 24 hour value, with a range of 01-12 instead of 00-23.
Note, AM/PM is not supported with the Zone ID TimeZone format.
Relative temporal time reference
Resolved time (relative to 2023-12-18T14:27:32.189Z)
The following Zone IDs are valid for the WITH TIMEZONE clause,
or as a bracketed timezone reference in a datetime string (ex. '2023-12-18T12:34 [America/Los_Angeles]').