Subscribe to a Nerdpack

Subscribe to a Nerdpack to use it in the New Relic platform. Unsubscribe from Nerdpacks you no longer use.

Update your CLI

Before you run any commands, ensure that you have the latest version of the CLI:

nr1 update

Check your permissions

To subscribe to a Nerdpack, you need:

Publish your Nerdpack

You need to publish Nerdpacks that you create before you can subscribe to them:

  1. Publish your Nerdpack
  2. Tag your Nerdpack if it's published and doesn't yet have a tag

Subscribe to a Nerdpack

Subscribe to a published Nerdpack, with either the web UI or the nr1 CLI, to use it in your account. Subscribing allows you to select the tagged version you want to use as well as the account you want to subscribe with. This lets you control what Nerdpacks you use in your account.


When the tag you've subscribed to gets an update, New Relic updates your Nerdpack automatically.

From New Relic homepage, go to + Integrations & Agents in the top navigation bar.

Find your published Nerdpack using the apps filter or search bar. All published Nerdpacks are shown here. However, the one you're looking for maybe filtered out. Adjust the filter to find the Nerdpack you're looking for.

Select the Nerdpack you want to add to your New Relic account.

Click Add this app. This button shows Manage access if you're already subscribed to the Nerdpack.

Select the account to subscribe with and the tagged version to subscribe to. Then, update your account(s).


In the web UI, and some places in the CLI, we refer to tags as channels. This is a relic of a past implementation of Nerdpack versioning. Ignoring historical and implementation details, consider them to be synonyms.

Now you, and members of the accounts you've subscribed with, can launch the Nerdpack from New Relic.

If you subscribed to an app, find it under Your apps. If you subscribed to a visualization, find it under Custom visualizations.

Subscribe from the command line

If you've published your own Nerdpack, it may be quicker to subscribe to your Nerdpack with the nr1 CLI.

Navigate to your Nerdpack's root directory:

cd my-awesome-nerdpack

These instructions refer to your Nerdpack as my-awesome-nerdpack.

Ensure that your Nerdpack was published and tagged:

nr1 nerdpack:info
Id: ab123c45-678d-9012-efg3-45hi6jkl7890
Region: us
Account ID: 1234567
Local version: 1.0.0
Subscription Model: OWNER_AND_ALLOWED
Version Count: 1
Version Date Tags
------- ----------------- ------
1.0.0 a few seconds ago STABLE

You should see at least one published version with a tag. It doesn't have to be STABLE. You can subscribe to any tagged version.

Subscribe to your Nerdpack:

nr1 nerdpack:subscribe --channel=STABLE
Subscribed account 1234567 to the nerdpack ab123c45-678d-9012-efg3-45hi6jkl7890 on the STABLE channel

Here, you've subscribed to the STABLE tag. You can also subscribe to DEV and BETA tags from the CLI, but the subscription command doesn't allow for arbitrary tags. To subscribe to any other tagged version, you need to use the web UI.

Similar to the web UI, the term channel nr1 nerdpack:subscribe is a reference to an older implementation of Nerdpack versions.

Technical detail

nr1 nerdpack:subscribe is an alias for nr1 subscription:set.

Read the nr1 subscription:set documentation to learn more. Or, view the nr1 help page:

nr1 subscription:set --help

Unsubscribe from a Nerdpack

Unsubscribe from a Nerdpack to remove it from your account.

From New Relic, go to Apps in top navigation bar.

Click the "i" icon next to the Nerdpack you're subscribed to. This opens the detail page.

Click Manage access.

Deselect the accounts you want to unsubscribe with. Then, update those accounts.

Unsubscribe using the command line

Quickly unsubscribe your CLI profile from Nerdpacks.

Navigate to your Nerdpack's root directory:

cd my-awesome-nerdpack

View your profile's subscriptions:

nr1 subscription:list
Listing subscribed deployed nerdpacks on your account:
Version UUID Name Date User
------- ------------------------------------ ---------------- ----------- -------
0.6.4 384de6e5-8e57-4d56-9d13-299ee7ae8641 Account Maturity a month ago 2774472

Unsubscribe from the Nerdpack with the UUID:

nr1 nerdpack:unsubscribe --nerdpack-id=384de6e5-8e57-4d56-9d13-299ee7ae8641
Unsubscribed account 1234567 from the nerdpack 384de6e5-8e57-4d56-9d13-299ee7ae8641 on the STABLE channel.


nr1 nerdpack:unsubscribe is an alias for nr1 subscription:unset.

Read the nr1 subscription:unset documentation to learn more. Or, view the nr1 help page:

nr1 subscription:unset --help

Resolve issues with accessing your published Nerdpack

Sometimes, when you subscribe to a Nerdpack, you may run into issues. Whether you can't subscribe or see duplicate subscriptions in your account, consider some common solutions for resolving these issues.

Tag your Nerdpack version

When you subscribe to an Nerdpack, you choose a specific tag. So, if the Nerdpack you're trying to subscribe to isn't tagged, or doesn't have the tag you're targeting, tag your release version:

nr1 nerdpack:subscribe --channel=DEV
Error: Nerdpack ab123c45-678d-9012-efg3-45hi6jkl7890 is not deployed to channel DEV. You have to deploy it first
nr1 nerdpack:tag --tag=DEV
✔ Tagged ab123c45-678d-9012-efg3-45hi6jkl7890 version 1.0.0 as DEV.
nr1 nerdpack:subscribe --channel=DEV
Subscribed account 1234567 to the nerdpack ab123c45-678d-9012-efg3-45hi6jkl7890 on the DEV channel.

If you subscribe without a --channel argument, the default channel is STABLE, so make sure you have a STABLE version in this case:

nr1 nerdpack:subscribe
Error: Nerdpack ab123c45-678d-9012-efg3-45hi6jkl7890 is not deployed to channel STABLE. You have to deploy it first

Subscribe with the web UI

When you subscribe with the CLI, you pass a --channel argument to select a tag. A channel is, for all intents and purposes, a tag. This term is a relic of a past implementation of Nerdpack versioning.

However, while the terms are synonymous, using --channel is limited in the CLI. When you subscribe with a --channel, you can only choose between DEV, BETA, and STABLE. So, to subscribe to a different tag, use the web UI:

nr1 nerdpack:subscribe --channel=QA
Error: Expected --channel=QA to be one of: DEV, BETA, STABLE
See more help with --help