Renders a table with a fixed header and rows. The table implements the following features:
- Flexible layout: table headers accept a variety of sizes to enable fluid and fixed layouts. You can find more information on how to customize your columns checking
. - Sorting: items passed can be internally sorted by the table according to the current sorting state of the table. You can find more information about sorting by checking
. - Row selection: rows can be selected through checkboxes on the right hand side. You can find more information in the
prop. - Row actions: contextual actions can be triggered per row, enabling users to achieve functionality over them. You can find more information on how to add them in
. - Custom pre-defined cells: some very common patterns for cells (entity title, metrics, etc.) are already provided by the platform, so that you only need to return it as part of your row.
- Virtualization: cells are only rendered if they are shown on screen. This enables the table to work with a large dataset with almost no performance penalty.
import { Table } from 'nr1'
class Example extends React.Component { _getActions() { return [ { label: 'Show details', onClick: (evt, { item, index }) => { alert( `Show details:Item: ${index}${JSON.stringify(item, null, 2)}`, ); }, }, { label: 'Delete', type: TableRow.ACTION_TYPE.DESTRUCTIVE, onClick: (evt, { item, index }) => { alert(`Delete:Item: ${index}${JSON.stringify(item, null, 2)}`); }, }, ]; }
_getItems() { return [ { name: 'Melton Garcia', gender: 'Male', company: 'Comtest', phone: '+1 (867) 477-3284', selected: true, }, { name: 'Finley Mendez', gender: 'Male', company: 'Anarco', phone: '+1 (817) 438-3205', selected: false, }, { name: 'Coleen Salinas', gender: 'Female', company: 'Macronaut', phone: '+1 (962) 419-3856', selected: true, }, ]; }
render() { return ( <Table items={this._getItems()}> <TableHeader> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>} width="50%"> Name </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) => item.gender}> Gender </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> Company </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>} width="fit-content" alignmentType={TableRowCell.ALIGNMENT_TYPE.RIGHT} > Phone </TableHeaderCell> </TableHeader>
{({ item }) => ( <TableRow actions={this._getActions()}> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{item.gender}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> </TableRow> )} </Table> ); }}
class Example extends React.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments);
this.state = { column_0: TableHeaderCell.SORTING_TYPE.ASCENDING, }; }
_getItems() { return [ { name: 'Melton Garcia', gender: 'Male', company: 'Comtest', phone: '+1 (867) 477-3284', selected: true, }, { name: 'Finley Mendez', gender: 'Male', company: 'Anarco', phone: '+1 (817) 438-3205', selected: false, }, { name: 'Coleen Salinas', gender: 'Female', company: 'Macronaut', phone: '+1 (962) 419-3856', selected: true, }, ]; }
_onClickTableHeaderCell(key, event, sortingData) { this.setState({ [key]: sortingData.nextSortingType }); }
render() { return ( <Table items={this._getItems()} selected={({ item }) => item.selected} onSelect={(evt, { item }) => (item.selected =} > <TableHeader> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>} sortable sortingType={this.state.column_0} sortingOrder={1} onClick={this._onClickTableHeaderCell.bind(this, 'column_0')} > Name </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) => item.gender} sortable sortingType={this.state.column_1} sortingOrder={0} onClick={this._onClickTableHeaderCell.bind(this, 'column_1')} > Gender </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>} sortable sortingType={this.state.column_2} sortingOrder={2} onClick={this._onClickTableHeaderCell.bind(this, 'column_2')} > Company </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> Phone </TableHeaderCell> </TableHeader>
{({ item }) => ( <TableRow> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{item.gender}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> </TableRow> )} </Table> ); }}
With header actions
class Example extends React.Component { _getActions() { return [ { label: 'Copy details', iconType: TableRow.ACTIONS_ICON_TYPE.INTERFACE__OPERATIONS__COPY_TO, onClick: (evt, { items }) => { alert(`Copy details: ${JSON.stringify(items, null, 2)}`); }, }, { label: 'Delete', iconType: TableRow.ACTIONS_ICON_TYPE.INTERFACE__OPERATIONS__TRASH, onClick: (evt, { items }) => { alert(`Delete: ${JSON.stringify(items, null, 2)}`); }, }, ]; }
_getItems() { return [ { name: 'Melton Garcia', gender: 'Male', company: 'Comtest', phone: '+1 (867) 477-3284', selected: true, }, { name: 'Finley Mendez', gender: 'Male', company: 'Anarco', phone: '+1 (817) 438-3205', selected: false, }, { name: 'Coleen Salinas', gender: 'Female', company: 'Macronaut', phone: '+1 (962) 419-3856', selected: true, }, ]; }
render() { return ( <Table items={this._getItems()} selected={({ item }) => item.selected} onSelect={(evt, { item }) => (item.selected =} > <TableHeader actions={this._getActions()}> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>} width="50%"> Name </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) => item.gender}> Gender </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> Company </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>} width="fit-content" alignmentType={TableRowCell.ALIGNMENT_TYPE.RIGHT} > Phone </TableHeaderCell> </TableHeader>
{({ item }) => ( <TableRow> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{item.gender}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> </TableRow> )} </Table> ); }}
With single selection type
class Example extends React.Component { constructor() { super(...arguments);
this.state = { selectedRow: null, }; }
_getItems() { return [ { name: 'Melton Garcia', gender: 'Male', company: 'Comtest', phone: '+1 (867) 477-3284', }, { name: 'Finley Mendez', gender: 'Male', company: 'Anarco', phone: '+1 (817) 438-3205', }, { name: 'Coleen Salinas', gender: 'Female', company: 'Macronaut', phone: '+1 (962) 419-3856', }, ]; }
render() { return ( <Table selectionType={Table.SELECTION_TYPE.SINGLE} items={this._getItems()} selected={({ index }) => index === this.state.selectedRow} onSelect={(evt, { index }) => { this.setState((prevState) => { const { selectedRow } = prevState;
// When the selected row is clicked, set value to `null` return { selectedRow: selectedRow === index ? null : index }; }); }} > <TableHeader> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> Name </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) => item.gender}> Gender </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> Company </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> Phone </TableHeaderCell> </TableHeader>
{({ item }) => ( <TableRow> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{item.gender}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{}</TableRowCell> </TableRow> )} </Table> ); }}
Single column sorting
class Example extends React.Component { constructor(...args) { super(...args);
this.state = { column: 0, sortingType: TableHeaderCell.SORTING_TYPE.NONE, };
this.exampleItems = [ { x: 'A', y: 0 }, { x: 'B', y: 0 }, { x: 'A', y: 1 }, ]; }
_onClickTableHeaderCell(column, evt, { nextSortingType }) { if (column === this.state.column) { this.setState({ sortingType: nextSortingType }); } else { this.setState({ column: column, sortingType: nextSortingType }); } }
render() { const sortingType0 = this.state.column === 0 ? this.state.sortingType : TableHeaderCell.SORTING_TYPE.NONE;
const sortingType1 = this.state.column === 1 ? this.state.sortingType : TableHeaderCell.SORTING_TYPE.NONE;
return ( <Table items={this.exampleItems}> <TableHeader> <TableHeaderCell sortable sortingType={sortingType0} onClick={this._onClickTableHeaderCell.bind(this, 0)} value={({ item }) => item.x} > Column 1 </TableHeaderCell>
<TableHeaderCell sortable sortingType={sortingType1} onClick={this._onClickTableHeaderCell.bind(this, 1)} value={({ item }) => item.y} > Column 2 </TableHeaderCell> </TableHeader>
{({ item }) => ( <TableRow> <TableRowCell>{item.x}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{item.y}</TableRowCell> </TableRow> )} </Table> ); }}
Query with Table
<EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery entityDomain="APM" entityType="APPLICATION"> {({ error, data, fetchMore }) => { if (!data.entities.length && error) { return 'Error!'; } return ( <Table items={data.entities} rowCount={data.count} onLoadMore={fetchMore}> <TableHeader> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> name </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) =>}> entityGuid </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell value={({ item }) => item.accountId}> accountId </TableHeaderCell> </TableHeader> {({ item }) => ( <TableRow> <EntityTitleTableRowCell value={item} /> <TableRowCell>{item.guid}</TableRowCell> <TableRowCell>{item.accountId}</TableRowCell> </TableRow> )} </Table> ); }}</EntitiesByDomainTypeQuery>
Multivalue table
class Example extends React.Component { _getItems() { return [ { duration: 218, errorCount: 0, rootSpan: { startTimeMs: 1626773604851, entityName: 'log-patterns-training', guid: '5ef23490-54jklfsd09fsd-ef098lkj', name: 'Transactions/Group Log Patterns', }, totalSpanCount: 15, }, { duration: 110, errorCount: 2, rootSpan: { entityName: 'network-traicing', guid: '4gh2190490-098fsd0123d-ef098lkj', name: 'Other Transactions/Network', startTimeMs: 1626783604851, }, totalSpanCount: 7, }, { duration: 90, errorCount: 1, rootSpan: { entityName: '', guid: 'tre2350490-312fsd0123d-ef098lkj', name: 'Staging Environment Transactions/Network', startTimeMs: 1626583604851, }, totalSpanCount: 12, }, ]; }
render() { return ( <Table items={this._getItems()} multivalue> <TableHeader> <TableHeaderCell width="30%">Trace group</TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell width="30%">Root entity</TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell alignmentType={TableHeaderCell.ALIGNMENT_TYPE.RIGHT}> Last start time </TableHeaderCell> <TableHeaderCell alignmentType={TableHeaderCell.ALIGNMENT_TYPE.RIGHT}> Trace duration </TableHeaderCell> </TableHeader>
{({ item }) => ( <TableRow> <TableRowCell additionalValue={`${item.errorCount} Errors, ${item.totalSpanCount} Spans`} > {} </TableRowCell> <EntityTitleTableRowCell additionalValue={item.rootSpan.guid} value={{ name: item.rootSpan.entityName }} /> <MetricTableRowCell additionalValue={new Date( item.rootSpan.startTimeMs, ).toLocaleTimeString()} type={MetricTableRowCell.TYPE.TIMESTAMP} value={item.rootSpan.startTimeMs} /> <MetricTableRowCell type={MetricTableRowCell.TYPE.SECONDS} value={item.duration} /> </TableRow> )} </Table> ); }}
string | Provide an accessibility label that describes the purpose of the table, e.g. |
(node|function)[] | Contents of the table. Table can only contain as children |
string | Appends class names to the component.Should be used only for positioning and spacing purposes. |
boolean | Establishes whether the table should render in compact mode (compact mode has narrower rows). In general, use the standard mode, since compact is reserved for data representation, e.g. in a dashboard. |
any[] | The items to be used when rendering.They are required when rendering items with a render callback.Each item can have any structure and type possible, and will the corresponding one will be provided when rendering each element list. |
number | Column containing the main data identifying the row. Often the first column (index 0) is the relevant one, but actions (like favorites) could be placed before it. |
boolean | Enables a second line of content for cell which support the Note: The |
function | Callback fired when more items must be loaded. This happens when you're lazy loading the items and the items that are about to render cannot be found in the function ( |
function | Function called when the user clicks over a row checkbox.It is called with the event of the checkbox, as well as with an object containing the item representing the row, its index in the function ( |
number | Number of rows.By default it's equal to length of array passed in the items prop.You should specify the |
function | Function that returns whether a row is selected. It needs to return a boolean representing the state of the row.It is called with an object containing the item representing the row, its index in the function ( |
enum | Sets the selection mode of the
enum[] | Spacing property. Spacing is defined as a tuple of zero to four values, which follow the same conventions as CSS properties like <Array of |
object | Inline style for custom styling.Should be used only for positioning and spacing purposes. |
string | Adds a Note: You might not see |
Type definitions
{startIndex: number, First index of the range of items to load.
stopIndex: number, Last index of the range of items to load.
{item: any, Item to check.
index: number, Index of the item in the items array.
items: any[], Array of all items passed.