Subscription commands

To manage your Nerdpack subscriptions, use the commands below. You can click any command to see its usage options and additional details about the command.



nr1 subscription:list

Lists all the Nerdpacks your account is subscribed to.

nr1 subscription:set

Subscribes your account to a Nerdpack and channel.

nr1 subscription:unset

Unsubscribes your account from a Nerdpack.

nr1 subscription:list

See your subscription

Lists all the Nerdpacks your account is subscribed to. Your account is linked to your API key.


$ nr1 subscription:list



The authentication profile you want to use.


Adds extra information to the output.

nr1 subscription:set

Subscribe to a Nerdpack

Subscribes your account to a specific Nerdpack and channel. This command can be run with a Nerdpack UUID or within a specific Nerdpack folder. By default, the command uses the Nerdpack ID in package.json and subscribes to the STABLE channel.

An account can only be subscribed to one Nerdpack and channel at a time.


$ nr1 subscription:set


-i, --nerdpack-id=NERDPACK_ID

Specifies the Nerdpack to subscribe to. By default, the command will use the one in package.json.

-c, --channel=DEV/BETA/STABLE

Specifies the channel to subscribe to. [default: STABLE]


The authentication profile you want to use.


Adds extra information to the output.


  • $ nr1 nerdpack:subscribe

nr1 subscription:unset

Unsubscribe from a Nerdpack

Unsubscribes your account from a specific Nerdpack. When this command is executed within a Nerdpack folder, the Nerdpack ID from package.json is used by default.


$ nr1 subscription:unset


-i, --nerdpack-id=NERDPACK_ID

Specifies the Nerdpack to subscribe to. By default, the command will use the one in package.json.


The authentication profile you want to use.


Adds extra information to the output.


  • $ nr1 nerdpack:unsubscribe
  • $ nr1 subscription:delete
  • $ nr1 subscription:remove
  • $ nr1 subscription:rm