Failed to discover kube-state-metrics


The Kubernetes integration requires kube-state-metrics. If this is missing, you'll see an error like the following in the nrk8s-ksm container logs:

time="2022-06-21T09:12:20Z" level=error msg="retrieving scraper data: retrieving ksm data: discovering KSM endpoints: timeout discovering endpoints"


Check the following:

  • kube-state-metrics has not been deployed into the cluster.
  • kube-state-metrics is deployed using a custom deployment.
  • There are multiple versions of kube-state-metrics running and the Kubernetes integration is not finding the correct one.

The Kubernetes integration automatically detects kube-state-metrics in your cluster, using by default the label across all namespaces.


You can change the discovery behavior in the ksm.config of the Helm chart values.