Understand and use data from infrastructure integrations
With our infrastructure integrations, you can monitor the performance of many popular services. Here are some tips on how to find, understand, and use data reported from infrastructure integrations.
Explore your infrastructure integration's data
The best way to understand infrastructure integrations's data and see what you can do with it is to enable an integration and explore the data in the New Relic UI.
Here's a NRQL query for Azure Functions, showing the count of executed functions over the past six hours by region over time:
SELECTsum(functionExecutionCount.Total)FROM AzureFunctionsAppSample FACET regionName TIMESERIES SINCE 6 hours ago
Here's a NRQL query for Azure VMs that compares the count of VM events over the past thirty minutes with the same time a week ago:
SELECT uniqueCount(vMName)FROM AzureVirtualMachineScaleSetSample FACET name SINCE 30 minutes ago COMPARE WITH1 week ago
Here's an example of a query that you might run on your NGINX integration data and place in a dashboard. This query creates a chart showing the average value of NGINX requests per second over time:
Here's an example of a query that you might run on your MySQL integration data. This query generates a chart showing the maximum number of used MySQL connections:
Integrations can generate metric, event, and inventory data, all of which are available for querying. Here are some tips for using the different types of integration data. For more on using NRQL queries, see Intro to NRQL.
Tips for finding and using integration metric data:
Metric values are treated as attributes: key-value pairs attached to an event. For example, the MySQL integration has an 'active connections' metric; this would be found by querying the connectionsActive attribute of the MysqlSample event.
Here are some tips for finding and using integration event data when querying:
Most integration events are inventory change events. When inventory is changed, it generates an InfrastructureEvent with a format value of inventoryChange.
For general information about events, see Event data.
When inventory data changes, an InfrastructureEvent event type is generated with a format value of inventoryChange. See the query examples for an example of querying this data.