Node.js agent v6.1.0

November 5, 2019Download

New Features

  • Added @newrelic/aws-sdk module to agent for auto-include on install.
  • Added splitting of application name using semicolons in the env var.
  • Instrumented connection.execute for mysql2.


  • @newrelic/native-metrics module is defaulted to disabled in serverless mode.

    This can reduce lambda cold-start times by up to 170ms. The native-metrics module can rarely load in serverless environments due to differences from build environment to deployed environment and offers little value in a serverless environment.

  • Added env var NEW_RELIC_NATIVE_METRICS_ENABLED to enable/disable the native-metrics module

  • Added a test for querying poolCluster.of()

  • Added HTTP method to segment attributes for external requests.

  • Updated the bin/ such that it uses verbose output, will exit on first error code, and will refuse to proceed with LibreSSL (which can't generate certs).

  • Added a clear sub-command to bin/ that will allow developers to quickly remove generated ssl/cert files and regenerate (useful is switch between platforms via containers/docker and certs needs to be regenerated)


  • Removed unused mysql bootstrap test code.
  • Increased timeout for index-bad-version test to reduce flickers on Node 12.
  • Changed file modification to leverage writeFile for watchFile test. This triggers the watcher in a reasonable amount of time much more consistently.
  • Removed testing of Bluebird 3.7 on Node v10 until they fix the segfault issue.