Java agent v8.10.0

March 28, 2024Download


This version of the agent introduced a bug that can cause significant CPU and memory usage increases and potential deadlocks if your application uses HttpUrlConnection or any libraries that use it under the hood. Agent version 8.11.0 fixes this problem. Alternatively, disabling the HttpUrlConnection instrumentation would prevent the issue. For example,

Disabling this instrumentation will have the effect that the client's external calls will not be recorded. We strongly recommend that you use the latest agent versions. They include all the latest code fixes and provide access to the latest platform features.

New features and improvements

  • Support for Spring Webflux 6.1.x 1761
  • Support for Spring Batch v4.0+ 1792
  • Scala 3 API 1772
  • ZIO 1 instrumentation improvements 1739
  • Support for ZIO 2 1778
  • Enhanced clustered Solr JMX metrics 1812
  • Add transaction GUID to Errors 1813


  • Prevent NullPointerException when setting the user id outside of a transaction 1762
  • Disallow Real Time Profiling when High Security Mode is enabled 1764
  • Prevent ClassCircularityErrors in some specific circumstances 1763
  • Properly removing files when log_daily is enabled 1754
  • Decreased memory held by the agent when HTTP calls are made 1775
  • Prevent duplicate DT headers for gRPC 1783
  • Properly updating how many log messages are sent after configuration change 1784
  • Prevent exceptions when reading lambda bytecode 1794
  • Reduce interval for JDBC caches 1809


  • The browser footer injection APIs have been deprecated and will be removed in a future agent release. The header injection API now adds both the header and footer scripts. 1679

The following instrumentation modules are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release:

  • aws-wrap-0.7.0
  • java.completable-future-jdk8
  • play-2.3
  • spring-3.0.0
  • netty-3.4
  • Struts v1



  • Ning Async HTTP client Support: The security agent now also supports com.ning:async-http-client 1.0.0 and higher 152, 118, 116
  • Jersey Support: The security agent now also supports Jersey 2.0 and higher 150, 149
  • Mule Support: The security agent now also supports Mule server version 3.6 to 3.9.x 144, 143
  • Jetty v12 Support: The security agent now also support Jetty version 12 and higher 106
  • Lettuce Support: The security agent now also supports Lettuce 4.4.0.Final and higher 125


  • Extract Server Configuration to resolve IAST localhost connection with application for Wildfly server 192
  • Trustboundary events now will have list of string as parameter schema

Update to latest version

To identify which version of the Java agent you're currently using, run java -jar newrelic.jar -v. Your Java agent version will be printed to your console.

Then, to update to the latest Java agent version:

  1. Back up the entire Java agent root directory to another location. Rename that directory to NewRelic_Agent#.#.#, where #.#.# is the agent version number.
  2. Download the agent.
  3. Unzip the new agent download file, then copy newrelic-api.jar and newrelic.jar into the original Java agent root directory.
  4. Compare your old newrelic.yml with the newly downloaded newrelic.yml from the zip, and update the file if needed.
  5. Restart your Java dispatcher.

If you experience issues after the Java agent update, restore from the backed-up New Relic agent directory.

Update agent config differences

We add new settings to newrelic.yml as we release new versions of the agent. You can use diff or another diffing utility to see what's changed, and add the new config settings to your old file. Make sure not to overwrite any customizations you've made to the file, such as your license key, app name, or changes to default settings.

For example, if you diff the default newrelic.yml files for Java agent versions 7.10.0 and 7.11.0, the results printed to the console will be like:

➜ diff newrelic_7.10.0.yml newrelic_7.11.0.yml
> # Whether the log events should include context from loggers with support for that.
> include_context_data:
> # When true, application logs will contain context data.
> enabled: false
> # A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should be sent to New Relic.
> #include:
> # A comma separated list of attribute keys whose values should not be sent to New Relic.
> #exclude:
< enabled: false
> enabled: true

In this example, these lines were added to the default newrelic.yml in Java agent version 7.11.0. If you're moving to 7.11.0 or higher, you should add these new lines to your original newrelic.yml.

Support statement:

  • New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly to ensure that you're getting the latest features and performance benefits. Additionally, older releases will no longer be supported when they reach end-of-life.