Agent Extensions The Java agent now provides a configuration to disable reloading extensions during runtime.
extensions: reload_modified: false
Spring Webflux The Java agent now provides updated instrumentation for reactor-netty-0.8.0+ to link the Transaction across threads. In previous agent versions, Transactions would be named /NettyDispatcher.
Logging format To make the agent log easier to sort and read across locales, the date/time format has changed. The new format is log4j's ISO8610_OFFSET_DATE_TIME_HHMM and it is rendered like this in all locales:
2020-07-10T08:33:00,328-0700 [9550 1] com.newrelic INFO: New Relic Agent: Loading configuration file "lib/./newrelic.yml"
2020-07-10T08:33:00,423-0700 [9550 1] com.newrelic INFO: Using default collector host:
All other data on the log line remains the same.
- Solr instrumentation could throw a NullPointerException when Query.toString() returned null.