Esta lição faz parte de um curso que ensina como construir uma visualização personalizada na plataforma New Relic.
Use as visualizações personalizadas da New Relic para exibir seus dados, sejam eles do banco de dados da New Relic ou de uma fonte externa, de maneiras exclusivas e distintas dos gráficos oferecidos pela plataforma New Relic.
Nesta lição, você criará uma visualização que exibe seus dados em um dos dois tipos de gráfico: RadarChart
ou Treemap
. Em seguida, você implementa um componente SegmentedControl
do SDK do New Relic One, que permite alternar entre os dois tipos de gráfico. Em última análise, isso lhe dá liberdade para visualizar seus dados de uma forma dinâmica que não é possível com as ofertas básicas da New Relic.
Se você se perder no projeto de código e quiser ver como os arquivos devem ficar quando terminar cada lição, verifique o projeto do curso no Github.
Antes de você começar
Finalmente, se ainda não o fez:
- Cadastre-se para uma conta New Relic
- Instale o Node.js.
- Conclua as etapas do início rápido
para instalar e configurar a CLI
Crie sua visualização
Certifique-se de estar trabalhando com a versão mais recente da CLI do New Relic:
$nr1 update
Crie uma visualização, chamada radar-or-treemap
, em um Nerdpack, chamado alternate-viz
Se você receber um RequestError
para um certificado autoassinado ao executar nr1 create
, talvez seja necessário adicionar um certificado à cadeia de certificados do Node.
Como resultado, você tem um novo diretório visualizations/radar-or-treemap
em alternate-viz
$cd alternate-viz$ls visualizations/radar-or-treemapindex.js nr1.json styles.scss
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import {Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, Spinner, AutoSizer} from 'nr1';
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Configure o estado do seu componente
Adicione o estado do componente ao modelo de visualização padrão que nr1
criou para você.
Navegue até alternate-viz/visualizations/radar-or-treemap/index.js
. Você trabalhará aqui pelo resto desta lição.
Adicione uma constante chamada CHART_TYPES
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import {Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, Spinner, AutoSizer} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
enumera os dois tipos de gráfico entre os quais você alternará em sua visualização.
Inicialize selectedChart
no state
do seu componente:
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import {Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, Spinner, AutoSizer} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Este valor state
armazena o tipo de gráfico no qual você deseja mostrar seus dados.
Agora que você criou um objeto que enumera as opções de tipo de gráfico para sua visualização e inicializou state.selectedChart
, você está pronto para implementar uma interface de controle para alternar entre os dois tipos de gráfico.
Adicionar SegmentedControl
não é útil a menos que o usuário da sua visualização possa realmente selecionar um tipo de gráfico. Use SegmentedControl
e SegmentedControlItem
para alternar entre os dois tipos de gráfico.
Importe SegmentedControl
e SegmentedControlItem
de nr1
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Em render()
, envolva RadarChart
em um React.Fragment
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Isso permite retornar vários componentes do mesmo render()
Adicione um componente SegmentedControl
e dois SegmentedControlItem
, cada um com um value
e um label
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={(event, value) => console.log(value)} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Aqui, seu SegmentedControl
registra o SegmentedControlItem.value
no console quando você altera sua seleção. Os valores definidos para seus componentes SegmentedControlItem
correspondem aos dois CHART_TYPES
criados em uma etapa anterior.
Navegue até a raiz do seu Nerdpack em alternate-viz
Sirva seu Nerdpack localmente:
$nr1 nerdpack:serve
Abra o link para sua visualização que é mostrada no terminal quando o servidor Node é iniciado:
Visualizations: ⁎ radar-or-treemap https://one.nr/012ab3cd4Ef
Configure sua visualização com um ID de conta e uma consulta.
Com alguns dados necessários para o processamento do seu gráfico, agora você verá um RadarChart
com o SegmentedControl
na parte superior da visualização.
Olhe no console do seu browser para ver seu log SegmentedControl
Conecte state
do seu componente ao SegmentedControl
Adicione um método para atualizar state
e conecte esse método ao SegmentedControl
adicionado na última seção.
Adicione um método de componente, chamado updateSelectedChart()
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={(event, value) => console.log(value)} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Este novo método recebe um argumento value
e define state.selectedChart
com esse valor.
Defina SegmentedControl.onChange
como updateSelectedChart()
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Agora, quando você alterar sua seleção em SegmentedControl
, sua seleção será definida em state
Implementar uma opção Treemap
Adicione um Treemap
à sua visualização. Este mapa será uma alternativa ao RadarChart
Detalhe técnico
Este guia usa componentes Recharts para gráficos de terceiros, mas você pode usar qualquer outra biblioteca de gráficos JavaScript que seja compatível com a versão atual do React ao criar visualizações e aplicativos New Relic.
Importe Treemap
de recharts
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis, Treemap,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Agora você pode usar Treemap
em seu componente de visualização.
Em render()
, adicione um componente Treemap
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis, Treemap,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> <Treemap width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} dataKey="value" ratio={4 / 3} stroke={stroke || '#000000'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} /> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Aqui, você definiu um novo componente Treemap
com alguns adereços, incluindo height
, width
, fill
e stroke
Com seu Nerdpack servido localmente, visualize sua visualização. Os SegmentedControl
e RadarChart
estão na parte superior da visualização, mas se você rolar para baixo, verá seu novo Treemap
Alterne entre gráficos com o seu componente state
Use state.selectedChart
para determinar qual gráfico mostrar: o RadarChart
ou o Treemap
Desestruture this.state
para acessar selectedChart
como uma constante separada. Em seguida, compare selectedChart
. Se forem iguais, renderize um RadarChart
. Caso contrário, renderize um Treemap
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis, Treemap,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props; const {selectedChart} = this.state;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> {selectedChart === CHART_TYPES.Radar ? ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ) : ( <Treemap width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} dataKey="value" ratio={4 / 3} stroke={stroke || '#000000'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} /> )} </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
Aqui, você usou uma expressão ternária para renderizar um RadarChart
ou um Treemap
. O gráfico renderizado é determinado pelo valor de selectedChart
Com seu Nerdpack servido localmente, visualize sua visualização.
Selecione Radar chart em SegmentedControl
Selecione o Treemap chart em SegmentedControl
Parabéns! Nesta lição, você aprendeu como:
- Personalize sua visualização usando componentes do SDK do New Relic One
- Adicione um novo tipo de gráfico à sua visualização
- Crie uma interação do usuário em sua visualização
Esta lição faz parte de um curso que ensina como construir uma visualização personalizada na plataforma New Relic. Quando estiver pronto, passe para a próxima lição: Personalizar visualizações com configuração.