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A demo branching doc

Below you will find a demo branching doc. You can find the content for this doc at src/install/demo in our repo.

As you explore the demo branching doc below, click the various options to see how content is swapped in and out.

이 문서가 설치하는데 도움이 되셨나요?

What's next?

See your app data in the UI.

Look for your app name on the APM Summary page (it can take a few minutes).

Read the documentation about APM.

For example, read about the Summary page, the JVM metrics page, and the Transactions page.

Still not seeing data?

Follow our troubleshooting steps.

Start troubleshooting.

Here's the code for the feedback form and side-by-side text boxes:

<InstallFeedback />
<WhatsNextTile title="What's next?">
#### See your app data in the UI.
Look for your app name on the APM Summary page (it can take a few minutes).
#### Read the documentation about APM.
For example, read about the Summary page, the JVM metrics page, and the Transactions page.
<WhatsNextTile alignment="center">
## Still not seeing data?
Follow our troubleshooting steps.
<ButtonLink variant="primary" to="https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apm/agents/java-agent/troubleshooting/no-data-appears-java/">Start troubleshooting.</ButtonLink>
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