On December 1, 2024, New Relic will end support for the Azure SQL database integration polling API, because Azure is deprecating the SDK that the polling API uses. You don't need to take action unless you capture data with the polling API and you're using the Azure SQL Database integration.
What you need to do
If you’re using the Polling API to report data to the Azure SQL Database integration, we recommend that you migrate to the Azure Monitor integration.
You can access the Azure monitoring integration by going to one.newrelic.com > Infrastructure > Azure. Once you’ve enabled the Azure monitoring integration, go to Limit resource types and set it to microsoft.Sql/servers/databases.
If you have alerts or dashboards that use metrics from the Azure SQL database monitoring polling API, replace them with metrics from the Azure monitoring integration.
Links to additional resources
For more on the New Relic Azure monitor integration, see our docs.