New Google Cloud Platform integrations

February 28, 2019


  • Google Cloud Load Balancing integration is now available. New Relic collects metrics for all types of load balancers, and provides a curated dashboard with successful requests, error percentages, throughput, and latency. Check Google Cloud Load Balancing monitoring integration for details.
  • Google Cloud Pub/Sub integration is now available. New Relic collects metrics and inventory data for Pub/Sub Topics and Subscriptions. Check Google Cloud Pub/Sub monitoring integration for details.
  • Google Cloud Spanner integration is now available. New Relic’s curated dashboard shows relevant metrics for Spanner instances and databases, such as request latency, disk, CPU, successful requests count and error rate. Check Google Cloud Spanner monitoring integration for details.
  • Google Cloud SQL is now available. The most relevant metrics to watch are CPU, memory and disk utilization, to make sure the databases are correctly dimensioned. The curated dashboard also features write and read operations per second, concurrent connections and database state. Check Google Cloud SQL monitoring integration for details.
  • Google BigQuery is now available. Our curated dashboard helps keep track of query execution time, the number of bytes stored in the datasets, and the number of bytes uploaded to any table in the dataset that were billed. Check Google BigQuery monitoring integration for details.