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Ruby agent v8.7.0

May 3, 2022Download


  • APM logs-in-context log forwarding on by default

    Automatic application log forwarding is now enabled by default. This version of the agent will automatically send enriched application logs to New Relic. To learn more about about this feature see here, and additional configuration options are available here. To learn about how to toggle log ingestion on or off by account see here.

  • Improved async support and Thread instrumentation

    Previously, the agent was not able to record events and metrics inside Threads created inside of an already running transaction. This release includes 2 new configuration options to support multithreaded applications to automatically instrument threads. A new configuration option,instrumentation.thread.tracing (disabled by default), has been introduced that, when enabled, will allow the agent to insert New Relic tracing inside of all Threads created by an application. To support applications that only want some threads instrumented by New Relic, a new class is available, NewRelic::TracedThread, that will create a thread that includes New Relic instrumentation, see our API documentation for more details.

    New configuration options included in this release:

    Configuration nameDefaultBehavior
    instrumentation.threadauto (enabled)Allows the agent to correctly nest spans inside of an asyncronous transaction.
    instrumentation.thread.tracingfalse (disabled)Automatically add tracing to all Threads created in the application. This may be enabled by default in a future release.

    We'd like to thank @mikeantonelli for sharing a gist with us that provided our team with an entry point for this feature.

  • Deprecate support for Ruby 2.2

    Ruby 2.2 reached end of life on March 31, 2018. The agent has deprecated support for Ruby 2.2 and will make breaking changes for this version in its next major release.

  • Added updated configuration options for transaction events and deprecated previous configs

    This release deprecates the following instrumentation:

    ActiveMerchant 1.64.0 or lowerActiveMerchant 1.65.0 or higher
    ActiveRecord or lowerActiveRecord 4.0.0 or higher
    Acts As Solr (all versions)none
    Authlogic (all versions)none
    Bunny 2.6.7 or lowerBunny 2.7.0 or higher
    Dalli 2.7.6 or lowerDalli 2.7.7 or higher
    DataMapper (all versions)none
    Delayed Job 4.1.2 or lowerDelayed Job 4.1.3 or higher
    Excon 0.55.0 or lowerExcon 0.56.0 or higher
    Grape 0.19.1 or lowerGrape 0.19.2 or higher
    HTTPClient or lowerHTTPClient 2.8.3
    HTTP.rb 2.2.1 or lowerHTTP.rb 2.2.2 or higher
    Mongo 2.4.0 or lowerMongo 2.4.1 or higher
    Padrino 0.14.4 or lowerPadrino 0.15.0 or higher
    Passenger 5.1.2 or lowerPassenger 5.1.3 or higher
    Puma 3.8.2 or lowerPuma 3.9.0 or higher
    Rack 1.6.7 or lowerRack 1.6.8 or higher
    Rails or lowerRails 4.0.0 or higher
    Rainbows (all versions)none
    Sequel 4.44.0 or lowerSequel 4.45.0 or higher
    Sidekiq 4.2.10 or lowerSidekiq 5.0.0 or higher
    Sinatra 1.4.8 or lowerSinatra 2.0.0 or higher
    Sunspot (all versions)none
    Typhoeus 1.1.2 or lowerTyphoeus 1.3.0 or higher
    Unicorn 5.2.0 or lowerUnicorn 5.3.0 or higher

    For the gems with deprecated versions, we will no longer test those versions in our multiverse suite. They may, however, still be compatible with the agent. We will no longer fix bug reports for issues with these versions of the gem.

  • Internally leverage Object.const_get and Object.const_defined?

    When dynamically checking for or obtaining a handle to a class constant from a string, leverage the Object class's built in methods wherever possible to enjoy simpler, more performant operations. All JRubies and CRubies v2.5 and below need a bit of assistance beyond what Object can provide given that those Rubies may yield an unwanted constant from a different namespace than the one that was specified. But for all other Rubies and even for those Rubies in contexts where we can 100% trust the string value coming in, leverage the Object class's methods and reap the benefits.

  • Clarify documentation for rake.tasks configuration

    The rake.tasks description in the default newrelic.yml file and the New Relic Ruby Agent Configuration docs have been updated to clarify its behavior and usage. The documentation now reads:

    Specify an array of Rake tasks to automatically instrument. This configuration option converts the Array to a RegEx list. If you'd like to allow all tasks by default, use rake.tasks: [.+]. Rake tasks will not be instrumented unless they're added to this list. For more information, visit the (New Relic Rake Instrumentation docs)[/docs/apm/agents/ruby-agent/background-jobs/rake-instrumentation].

    We thank @robotfelix for suggesting these changes.

  • Enable Environment Variables setting Array configurations to be converted to Arrays

    Prior to this change, when comma-separated lists were passed as environment variables, an error would be emitted to the newrelic_agent.log and a String would be set as the value. Now, Arrays will be accurately coerced.

  • Bugfix: Allow TransactionEvents to be sampled at the expected rate

    The transaction_events.max_samples_stored capacity value within the TransactionEventAggregator did not match up with its expected harvest cycle interval, causing TransactionEvents to be over-sampled. This bugfix builds upon the updates made in #952 so that the interval and capacity behave as expected for the renamed transaction_events* configuration options.

  • Bugfix: Error events missing attributes when created outside of a transaction

    Previously the agent was not assigning a priority to error events that were created by calling notice_error outside the scope of a transaction. This caused issues with sampling when the error event buffer was full, resulting in a NoMethodError: undefined method '<' for nil:NilClass in the newrelic_agent.log. This bugfix ensures that a priority is always assigned on error events so that the agent will be able to sample these error events correctly. Thank you to @olleolleolle for bringing this issue to our attention.

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is

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