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Ruby agent v8.2.0

November 29, 2021Download


  • New instrumentation for Tilt gem

    Template rendering using Tilt is now instrumented. Tilt 2.x is supported for Ruby versions 2.2 and above and 1.x is supported for Ruby versions below 2.7. See PR #847 for details.

  • Configuration error_collector.ignore_errors is marked as deprecated

    This setting has been marked as deprecated in the documentation since version 7.2.0 and is now flagged as deprecated within the code.

  • Remove Rails 2 instrumentation

    Though any version of Rails 2 has not been supported by the Ruby agent since v3.18.1.330, instrumentation for ActionController and ActionWebService specific to that version were still part of the agent. This instrumentation has been removed.

  • Remove duplicated settings from newrelic.yml

    Thank you @jakeonfire for bringing this to our attention and @kuroponzu for making the changes!

  • Bugfix: Span events recorded when using newrelic_ignore

    Previously, the agent was incorrectly recording span events only on transactions that should be ignored. This fix will prevent any span events from being created for transactions using newrelic_ignore, or ignored through the rules.ignore_url_regexes configuration option.

  • Bugfix: Print deprecation warning for cross-application tracing if enabled

    Prior to this change, the deprecation warning would log whenever the agent started up, regardless of configuration. Thank you @alpha-san for bringing this to our attention!

  • Bugfix: Scrub non-unicode characters from DecoratingLogger

    To prevent JSON::GeneratorErrors, the DecoratingLogger replaces non-Unicode characters with the replacement character: �. Thank you @jdelStrother for bringing this to our attention!

  • Bugfix: Distributed tracing headers emitted errors when agent was not connected

    Previously, when the agent had not yet connected it would fail to create a trace context payload and emit an error, "TypeError: no implicit conversion of nil into String," to the agent logs. The correct behavior in this situation is to not create these headers due to the lack of required information. Now, the agent will not attempt to create trace context payloads until it has connected. Thank you @Izzette for bringing this to our attention!

Support statement

New Relic recommends that you upgrade the agent regularly and at a minimum every 3 months. As of this release, the oldest supported version is

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