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Python agent release notesRSS

July 6, 2021
Python agent v6.4.4.161


This release of the Python agent adds wildcarding to instrumentation config and fixes a crash in the memory metric sampler.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Add wildcard matching to instrumentation via config file

    The agent now supports wildcards for classes and functions when instrumenting via config file. Note: this does not include module paths.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a crash in memory sampling on BSD kernels

    A crash in the memory metric sampler was possible when using kernels besides MacOS and Linux. This has been corrected.

June 23, 2021
Python agent v6.4.3.160


This release of the Python agent includes a bug fix related to middleware and background tasks in Starlette/ FastAPI.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Starlette/ FastAPI transaction naming and classification

    Starlette/ FastAPI routes that contained middleware and background tasks were being incorrectly classified as non-web transactions and named after the background task rather than the route. This has been corrected in this release.

June 22, 2021
Python agent v6.4.2.159


This release of the Python agent updates Sanic instrumentation to support all available versions.

Install the agent using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or download it directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Update Sanic instrumentation

    The agent has updated support for all Sanic versions, with testing done on all versions >=18.12.0. Additionally, blueprint middleware is now supported.

  • Update Pyramid transaction naming

    Previously, transaction names from exception views overrode route names. We've reversed this priority to be more in line with other instrumentation.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix inspect.formatargspec deprecation warning

    A deprecation warning concerning inspect.formatargspec has been fixed.

  • Fix HTTPX crash

    Initializing the agent after creating an HTTPX client could cause a crash in HTTPX. This has been corrected.

June 4, 2021
Python agent v6.4.1.158


This release of the Python agent adds support for Flask v2, improves logging for HTTP exceptions, and includes a bug fix.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

New Features

  • Add support for Flask v2

    The agent will automatically instrument error handlers, nested blueprints, and async views.


  • Improve logging for 410 status codes

    The agent now logs the content of a data collector response which specifies the reason for a disconnect for 410 status codes.

Bug Fixes

  • Reintroduce non-PID specific memory metrics

    In agent version v6.2.0.156, memory metrics were modified to add the PID to each metric name. This release reintroduces non-PID specific memory metrics.

May 25, 2021
Python agent v6.4.0.157


This release of the Python agent deprecates the old record_exception API, replaces the error_collector.ignore_errors setting, adds a new notice_error API, adds expected errors functionality, improves the NewRelicContextFormatter, and fixes multiple bugs including a few potential crashes.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Deprecated record_exception API

    record_exception has been superseded by the new notice_error API. The old API will forward exceptions to notice_error with a deprecation warning.

  • Deprecated error_collector.ignore_errors setting

    error_collector.ignore_errors has been replaced with error_collector.ignore_classes to match other agents. Please update your config files to use the new setting. The old setting will continue to function with a deprecation warning.

New Features

Improved Features

  • Improved NewRelicContextFormatter

    Adds new log_record_to_dict function to separate logic for JSON serialization and converting to a dictionary, enabling custom formatters to access the data more easily.

    Custom attributes now attempt JSON serialization by default and fallback to strings, meaning dictionaries and other serializable types are now supported.

    Thank you to @chrislawlor and @qvik-olli for your contributions!

  • error_collector.ignore_status_codes is now configurable in server-side configuration

    Previously this setting was only available in the config file, but is now available via server-side configuration.

Bug Fixes

  • Infinite tracing crash fix

    Crashes had occurred in infinite tracing following the inclusion of some startup timeout changes in v6.0.0. These changes have been rolled back.

  • RuntimeInstrumentationError crash removed

    Crashes occurred when a RuntimeInstrumentationError was reached, indicating a potential problem with existing instrumentation. The exception is now caught and replaced with error level log messages to avoid crashing applications.

  • SQLite instrumentation consumes generator objects passed to executemany

    A generator passed to Connection.executemany would unexpectedly be consumed by our instrumentation. This has been corrected and generators are now properly supported.

Known Issues

  • Flask v2.0.0 support

    Flask released a new major version recently that we do not yet support, but expect to in the near future.

  • Sanic support

    Sanic has released large changes to the framework recently that have broken some of our instrumentation on certain versions, and can crash the agent on others. We expect to correct these issues in the near future.

February 25, 2021
Python agent v6.2.0.156


This release of the Python agent includes new garbage collection runtime metrics as well as improved metrics for CPU and memory usage. This release also includes bug fixes for Uvicorn instrumentation and FIPS compliant systems.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

New Features

  • Adds garbage collection runtime metrics.

    Records statistics as metrics after garbage collection sweeps. This feature is disabled by default and can be enabled and configured with these settings.

Improved Features

  • Improved CPU metric sampling.

    Adds separate metrics for user time, system time, and total time as well as utilization as a percentage for each.

  • Improved memory metric sampling.

    Adds memory utilization as a percentage, and adds PID to metrics to allow faceting in NRQL queries.

  • Increased custom attribute limit from 64 to 128.

    The custom attribute limit affects user added attributes on spans, events, and transactions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a TypeError with Uvicorn and unix sockets.

  • Fixed a crash when using a FIPS compliant system with Cross Agent Tracing enabled.

January 21, 2021
Python agent v6.0.1.155


This release of the Python agent includes a bug fix for httpx instrumentation.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug Fixes

  • httpx process response attribute error

    In httpx instrumentation, an attribute error was occurring during processing of the HTTP response. This issue was resolved in this release.

Python agent v6.0.0.154


This release of the Python agent adds instrumentation for httpx, removes support for Python 3.5, and includes performance enhancements.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Removed support for Python 3.5

    Python 3.5 is no longer supported by the agent. Please consider upgrading your application to a supported version of Python in order to continue to receive updates to the Python Agent.

New Features

  • Added httpx instrumentation

    External web service requests made with the httpx client module will now be automatically instrumented.

  • Added Django ASGI instrumentation

    Django's ASGI mode will now be supported through automatic instrumentation.

Improved Features

  • Improved startup performance

    The loading of urllib3 is now delayed and happens on a background thread which improves overall initialization time.

Bug Fixes

  • Non-ASCII HTTP referers crash fix

    Crashes had occurred when non-ASCII HTTP referers were passed to ASGI applications. This crash no longer occurs as of this release.

December 22, 2020
Python agent v5.24.0.153


This release of the Python agent includes minor bug fixes.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix incorrect wrapper in grpc instrumentation.

_MultiThreadedRendezvous._next was wrapped with the instrumentation designed for _MultiThreadedRendezvous.result. This issue has been resolved as of this agent version.

October 28, 2020
Python agent v5.22.1.152


This release of the Python agent updates transaction naming for Starlette and FastAPI, and includes bug fixes.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Improved Features

  • Updated transaction naming for middleware in Starlette and FastAPI

    The transaction naming hierarchy has been updated for Starlette and FastAPI applications. The web transaction name is named after the route handler, or after middleware if an exception is raised in the middleware.

Bug Fixes

  • RuntimeError for imports occurring on a background thread

    A RunTimeError was being raised in the event of imports occurring on a background thread during iteration over sys.modules. This issue has been resolved in this agent version.

  • Fixed region aware license key default host setting

    This agent version contains a fix for setting the default host value based on the license key for EU license keys. Setting the host manually will still override the default host value set by the license key.

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