Go agent v2.9.0

July 10, 2019Download


New Features

  • Added support for gRPC monitoring with the new _integrations/nrgrpc package. This package supports instrumentation for servers and clients.

  • Added new ExternalSegment fields Host, Procedure, and Library. These optional fields are automatically populated from the segment's URL or Request if unset. Use them if you don't have access to a request or URL but still want useful external metrics, transaction segment attributes, and span attributes.

    • Host is used for external metrics, transaction trace segment names, and span event names. The host of segment's Request or URL is the default.
    • Procedure is used for transaction breakdown metrics. If set, it should be set to the remote procedure being called. The HTTP method of the segment's Request is the default.
    • Library is used for external metrics and the "component" span attribute. If set, it should be set to the framework making the call. "http" is the default.

    With the addition of these new fields, external transaction breakdown metrics are changed: External/myhost.com/all will now report as External/myhost.com/http/GET (provided the HTTP method is GET).

  • HTTP Response codes below 100, except 0 and 5, are now recorded as errors. This is to support gRPC status codes. If you start seeing new status code errors that you would like to ignore, add them to Config.ErrorCollector.IgnoreStatusCodes or your server side configuration settings.

  • Improve logrus support by introducing nrlogrus.Transform, a function which allows you to turn a logrus.Logger instance into a newrelic.Logger. Example use:

    l := logrus.New()
    cfg := newrelic.NewConfig("Your Application Name", "__YOUR_NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY__")
    cfg.Logger = nrlogrus.Transform(l)

    As a result of this change, the nrlogrus package requires logrus version v1.1.0 and above.