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Go agent v2.11.0

August 22, 2019Download

New Features

  • Added support for Micro monitoring with the new _integrations/nrmicro package. This package supports instrumentation for servers, clients, publishers, and subscribers.

  • Added support for creating static WebRequest instances manually via the NewStaticWebRequest function. This can be useful when you want to create a web transaction but don't have an http.Request object. Here's an example of creating a static WebRequest and using it to mark a transaction as a web transaction:

    hdrs := http.Headers{}
    u, _ := url.Parse("http://example.com")
    webReq := newrelic.NewStaticWebRequest(hdrs, u, "GET", newrelic.TransportHTTP)
    txn := app.StartTransaction("My-Transaction", nil, nil)
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