이 강의는 뉴렐릭 플랫폼에서 사용자 정의 시각화를 구축하는 방법을 가르치는 과정의 일부입니다.
뉴렐릭 사용자 지정 시각화를 사용하면 뉴렐릭 데이터베이스에서 가져온 데이터든 외부 소스에서 가져온 데이터든 뉴렐릭 플랫폼에서 제공하는 차트와 구별되는 고유한 방식으로 데이터를 표시할 수 있습니다.
이 강의에서는 두 가지 차트 유형( RadarChart
또는 Treemap
) 중 하나로 데이터를 표시하는 시각화를 작성합니다. 그런 다음 뉴렐릭 One SDK에서 SegmentedControl
구성요소를 구현합니다. 이를 통해 두 차트 유형 간에 전환할 수 있습니다. 궁극적으로 이를 통해 뉴렐릭의 기본 제품으로는 불가능한 동적 방식으로 데이터를 자유롭게 볼 수 있습니다.
코드 프로젝트에 빠져서 각 수업을 마쳤을 때 파일이 어떻게 보일지 확인하고 싶다면 Github의 과정 프로젝트를 확인하세요.
시작하기 전에
마지막으로, 아직 수행하지 않은 경우:
시각화 만들기
최신 버전의 뉴렐릭 CLI로 작업하고 있는지 확인하세요.
$nr1 update
이라는 Nerdpack에서 radar-or-treemap
이라는 시각화를 만듭니다.
nr1 create
실행 시 자체 서명된 인증서에 대해 RequestError
을 수신하는 경우 노드의 인증서 체인에 인증서를 추가해야 할 수도 있습니다.
결과적으로 alternate-viz
아래에 새 visualizations/radar-or-treemap
디렉터리가 생겼습니다.
$cd alternate-viz$ls visualizations/radar-or-treemapindex.js nr1.json styles.scss
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import {Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, Spinner, AutoSizer} from 'nr1';
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
구성요소 상태 설정
이 생성한 기본 시각화 템플릿에 구성요소 상태를 추가합니다.
으로 이동합니다. 이번 강의의 나머지 부분에서는 여기서 작업하게 됩니다.
이라는 상수를 추가합니다.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import {Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, Spinner, AutoSizer} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
시각화에서 번갈아 사용할 두 가지 차트 유형을 열거합니다.
구성요소의 state
에서 selectedChart
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import {Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, Spinner, AutoSizer} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
이 state
값은 데이터를 표시하려는 차트 유형을 저장합니다.
이제 시각화에 대한 차트 유형 옵션을 열거하는 개체를 만들고 state.selectedChart
초기화했으므로 두 차트 유형 간에 전환하기 위한 컨트롤 UI를 구현할 준비가 되었습니다.
구성요소 추가
시각화 사용자가 실제로 차트 유형을 선택할 수 없으면 유용하지 않습니다. 두 차트 유형 간에 전환하려면 SegmentedControl
및 SegmentedControlItem
에서 SegmentedControl
및 SegmentedControlItem
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
에서 RadarChart
로 래핑합니다.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
이를 통해 동일한 render()
에서 여러 구성요소를 반환할 수 있습니다.
각각 value
및 label
가 포함된 SegmentedControl
및 두 개의 SegmentedControlItem
구성요소를 추가합니다.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={(event, value) => console.log(value)} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
여기에서 선택 항목을 변경할 때 SegmentedControl
이 SegmentedControlItem.value
을 콘솔에 기록합니다. SegmentedControlItem
구성요소에 대해 정의한 값은 이전 단계에서 생성한 두 개의 CHART_TYPES
에 해당합니다.
에서 Nerdpack의 루트로 이동합니다.
Nerdpack을 로컬로 제공하십시오.
$nr1 nerdpack:serve
노드 서버가 시작될 때 터미널에 표시되는 시각화에 대한 링크를 엽니다.
Visualizations: ⁎ radar-or-treemap https://one.nr/012ab3cd4Ef
계정 ID와 쿼리를 사용하여 시각화를 구성합니다.
차트를 처리하는 데 필요한 일부 데이터가 있으면 이제 보기 상단에 SegmentedControl
과 함께 RadarChart
가 표시됩니다.
로그를 보려면 브라우저 콘솔을 확인하세요.
구성요소의 state
업데이트하는 메서드를 추가하고 해당 메서드를 마지막 섹션에서 추가한 SegmentedControl
와 연결합니다.
이라는 구성요소 메서드를 추가합니다.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={(event, value) => console.log(value)} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
이 새로운 메소드는 value
인수를 사용하고 state.selectedChart
해당 값으로 설정합니다.
로 설정합니다.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
이제 SegmentedControl
에서 선택 사항을 변경하면 선택 사항이 state
에서 설정됩니다.
옵션 구현
시각화에 Treemap
추가합니다. 이 지도는 기존 RadarChart
의 대안이 될 것입니다.
기술적인 세부사항
이 가이드에서는 타사 차트용 Recharts 구성 요소를 사용하지만 뉴렐릭 시각화 및 앱을 구축할 때 현재 React 버전과 호환되는 다른 JavaScript 차트 라이브러리를 사용할 수 있습니다.
에서 Treemap
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis, Treemap,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
이제 시각화 구성요소에서 Treemap
사용할 수 있습니다.
에서 Treemap
구성요소를 추가합니다.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis, Treemap,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> <Treemap width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} dataKey="value" ratio={4 / 3} stroke={stroke || '#000000'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} /> </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
여기에서는 height
, width
, fill
및 stroke
등 일부 속성을 사용하여 새 Treemap
구성요소를 정의했습니다.
Nerdpack이 로컬로 제공되면 시각화를 볼 수 있습니다. SegmentedControl
및 RadarChart
뷰 상단에 있지만 아래로 스크롤하면 새 Treemap
가 표시됩니다.
구성 요소를 사용하여 차트 간 전환 state
사용하여 표시할 차트( RadarChart
또는 Treemap
를 결정합니다.
에 별도의 상수로 액세스하려면 this.state
구조 해제하세요. 그런 다음, selectedChart
과 비교합니다. 동일하다면 RadarChart
렌더링합니다. 그렇지 않으면 Treemap
를 렌더링합니다.
import React from 'react';import PropTypes from 'prop-types';import { Radar, RadarChart, PolarGrid, PolarAngleAxis, PolarRadiusAxis, Treemap,} from 'recharts';import { AutoSizer, Card, CardBody, HeadingText, NrqlQuery, SegmentedControl, SegmentedControlItem, Spinner,} from 'nr1';
const CHART_TYPES = { 'Radar': 'radar', 'Treemap': 'treemap'}
export default class RadarOrTreemapVisualization extends React.Component { // Custom props you wish to be configurable in the UI must also be defined in // the nr1.json file for the visualization. See docs for more details. static propTypes = { /** * A fill color to override the default fill color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ fill: PropTypes.string,
/** * A stroke color to override the default stroke color. This is an example of * a custom chart configuration. */ stroke: PropTypes.string, /** * An array of objects consisting of a nrql `query` and `accountId`. * This should be a standard prop for any NRQL based visualizations. */ nrqlQueries: PropTypes.arrayOf( PropTypes.shape({ accountId: PropTypes.number, query: PropTypes.string, }) ), };
state = { selectedChart: CHART_TYPES.Radar, };
/** * Restructure the data for a non-time-series, facet-based NRQL query into a * form accepted by the Recharts library's RadarChart. * (https://recharts.org/api/RadarChart). */ transformData = (rawData) => { return rawData.map((entry) => ({ name: entry.metadata.name, // Only grabbing the first data value because this is not time-series data. value: entry.data[0].y, })); };
/** * Format the given axis tick's numeric value into a string for display. */ formatTick = (value) => { return value.toLocaleString(); };
updateSelectedChart = (evt, value) => { this.setState({ selectedChart: value }) };
render() { const {nrqlQueries, stroke, fill} = this.props; const {selectedChart} = this.state;
const nrqlQueryPropsAvailable = nrqlQueries && nrqlQueries[0] && nrqlQueries[0].accountId && nrqlQueries[0].query;
if (!nrqlQueryPropsAvailable) { return <EmptyState />; }
return ( <AutoSizer> {({width, height}) => ( <NrqlQuery query={nrqlQueries[0].query} accountId={parseInt(nrqlQueries[0].accountId)} pollInterval={NrqlQuery.AUTO_POLL_INTERVAL} > {({data, loading, error}) => { if (loading) { return <Spinner />; }
if (error) { return <ErrorState />; }
const transformedData = this.transformData(data);
return ( <React.Fragment> <SegmentedControl onChange={this.updateSelectedChart} > <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Radar} label="Radar chart" /> <SegmentedControlItem value={CHART_TYPES.Treemap} label="Treemap chart" /> </SegmentedControl> {selectedChart === CHART_TYPES.Radar ? ( <RadarChart width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} > <PolarGrid /> <PolarAngleAxis dataKey="name" /> <PolarRadiusAxis tickFormatter={this.formatTick} /> <Radar dataKey="value" stroke={stroke || '#51C9B7'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} fillOpacity={0.6} /> </RadarChart> ) : ( <Treemap width={width} height={height} data={transformedData} dataKey="value" ratio={4 / 3} stroke={stroke || '#000000'} fill={fill || '#51C9B7'} /> )} </React.Fragment> ); }} </NrqlQuery> )} </AutoSizer> ); }}
const EmptyState = () => ( <Card className="EmptyState"> <CardBody className="EmptyState-cardBody"> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Please provide at least one NRQL query & account ID pair </HeadingText> <HeadingText spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.MEDIUM]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_4} > An example NRQL query you can try is: </HeadingText> <code>FROM NrUsage SELECT sum(usage) FACET metric SINCE 1 week ago</code> </CardBody> </Card>);
const ErrorState = () => ( <Card className="ErrorState"> <CardBody className="ErrorState-cardBody"> <HeadingText className="ErrorState-headingText" spacingType={[HeadingText.SPACING_TYPE.LARGE]} type={HeadingText.TYPE.HEADING_3} > Oops! Something went wrong. </HeadingText> </CardBody> </Card>);
여기서는 삼항 표현식을 사용하여 RadarChart
또는 Treemap
을 렌더링했습니다. 렌더링된 차트는 selectedChart
값에 따라 결정됩니다.
Nerdpack이 로컬로 제공되면 시각화를 볼 수 있습니다.
에서 Radar chart [방사형 차트를] 선택합니다.
에서 Treemap chart [트리맵 차트를] 선택합니다.
축하해요! 이 강의에서는 다음 방법을 배웠습니다.
- 뉴렐릭 One SDK 구성 요소를 사용하여 시각화를 사용자 정의하세요.
- 시각화에 새 차트 유형 추가
- 시각화에서 사용자 복합형 만들기
이 강의는 뉴렐릭 플랫폼에서 사용자 정의 시각화를 구축하는 방법을 가르치는 과정의 일부입니다. 준비가 되면 다음 단원 인 설정을 사용하여 시각화 사용자 정의를 계속 진행하세요.