Nerdlog Roundup: New Relic Lookout, guided install, and open source docs

March 25, 2021

Get real-time visibility into your stack, simplify your instrumentation, and edit our docs

New Relic Lookout: Embrace the purple bubble

Lindsy Farina, Senior Product Manager, and Andrew Ettinger, Senior Software Engineering Manager, demonstrate how New Relic Lookout helps you dive deep into anomalous behavior (that don’t have set alerts), analyze any data in the Telemetry Data Platform (including third-party, open, and custom data), and proactively spot emerging problems in a real-time visualization of all system components. The brighter the color, the more severe the change, and the bigger the size, the bigger the scale.

Get started with Lookout here (no configuration or setup required) or follow the instructions below:

  1. Select Explorer in the navigation bar.
  2. Select the Lookout button in the upper right to see the view of what’s changed.
  3. Click on a highlighted circle to get important details like activity, tags, and key metrics.

Guided install: Remove the anxiety from instrumentation

Justin Eveland, Software Engineer, shows us how guided install works to help you instrument your applications and infrastructure to start seeing your data in New Relic within minutes. With a single CLI command, guided install discovers all the systems running on your hosts and recommends automatically instrumentation options to you. Recipes are stored in YAML files in our Open Install Library, allowing you to modify them or even build your own for your own unique instrumentation needs.

Get started with guided install here or follow the instructions below:

  1. Click “Add More Data” at the top right of your home screen
  2. Select “Guided install.”

Open source docs: Fork these docs

In a reader survey last year, more than 50% of you said you were interested in editing our docs, and 70% said you’d like to file issues. Now is your time to shine. Austin Schaefer, Senior Manager, Docs and Michelle Fredette, Lead Writer, Docs show us how.

To get started on our open source docs site, Click the “edit” link on the right panel anywhere on or visit the GitHub repo.

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