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iOS agent release notesRSS

August 25, 2020
iOS agent 6.14.0


  • Added API to allow the agent data upload hosts to be set during agent start-up. ( +(void) startWithApplicationToken:andCollectorAddress:andCrashCollectorAddress: )

tvOS agent v6.14.0


  • Added API to allow the agent data upload hosts to be set during agent start-up. ( +(void) startWithApplicationToken:andCollectorAddress:andCrashCollectorAddress: )

July 21, 2020
iOS agent v6.13.0


  • Removed deprecated use of NSURLConnection methods
  • Improved ptr auth stripping in arm64e crashes.

tvOS agent v6.13.0


  • Removed deprecated use of NSURLConnection methods
  • Improved ptr auth stripping in arm64e crashes.

July 13, 2020
tvOS agent


  • Fixed build warnings related to the tvOS agent.

April 20, 2020
iOS agent v6.11.0


  • The New Relic WKWebView navigation delegate wrapper will respond as the wrapped delegate when isKindOfClass: is called.
  • +[NewRelic recordHandledException:(NSException*)] will no longer accept exceptions that were not thrown.

tvOS agent


  • +[NewRelic recordHandledException:(NSException*)] will no longer accept exceptions that were not thrown.

November 20, 2019
iOS agent v6.10.0


  • Now packaged with arm64e architectures.
  • dSYM upload script can handle paths with spaces in them.

tvOS agent v6.10.0


  • dSYM upload script can handle paths with spaces in them.

October 25, 2019
tvOS agent v6.9.0


  • Improved possible race-condition with accessing currentSessionId. Note: This release was built with Xcode11 and may be incompatible with earlier versions of Xcode.

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