Logs v240610

June 10, 2024

New versions of the New Relic Logs integrations have been released with a fix for CVE-2024-4323. New Relic recommends you follow the procedures below to update the relevant logs integrations:


Action Required

Linux Infrastructure Agent

Upgrade the Infrastructure Agent to version 1.52.3 or later, AND update Fluent Bit to version 3.0.4 or later

Kubernetes Plugin

Upgrade using either newrelic-logging-1.22.0 or nri-bundle-5.0.80

Fluent Bit Output Plugin

Update to version 2.0.0


  • Update Fluent Bit output plugin to version 1.22.0 as a fix for CVE-2024-4323, which impacted certain prior Fluent Bit versions contained in the Infra-agent log forwarder solution.
  • Update nri-bundle to version 5.0.80 as fix for CVE-2024-4323, which impacted certain prior Fluent Bit versions contained in the Infra-agent log forwarder solution.
  • Update Fluent Bit to version 3.0.4 as fix for CVE-2024-4323, which impacted certain prior Fluent Bit versions contained in the Infra-agent log forwarder solution.