Infrastructure agent v1.8.0

December 3, 2019


A new version of the agent has been released. Follow standard procedures to update your Infrastructure agent.


New integrations engine, which coexists with the previous engine for backwards-compatibility and smoother transition. Featuring:

  • Simpler setup of integrations, with fewer files and fewer mandatory properties. In some cases, you only have to set the integration name to enable it.
  • Flexible configuration of integrations via command-line arguments, environment variables, or external files.
  • Ability to group different integrations in the same configuration file.
  • Hot reload of integrations, so you can add a new integration or change its configuration without needing to restart the Infrastructure agent.
  • Timeouts when an integration does not respond before a user-specified time. The integration process is killed and restarted. This can also be disabled.
  • Smooth migration from the old integrations engine.

Please read the documentation about Infrastructure integration configuration file specifications for agent v1.8.0 or higher for a complete description of how to start using the new integrations engine, as well as a detailed description and examples of the new configuration options.