New data for AWS integrations

September 5, 2018


  • The AWS EC2 integration now collects status check results in ComputeSample events: provider.statusCheckFailed, provider.statusCheckFailedInstance, and provider.statusCheckFailedSystem. These checks are performed by AWS EC2 periodically and help identify hardware and software issues on running EC2 instances. Check AWS EC2 integration for details.
  • The AWS VPC integration can now provide metrics for NAT Gateways and VPN Tunnels. To collect data about these entities, please enable the corresponding filter in the integration configuration. Check AWS VPC monitoring integration for a description of AWS VPC related events and entities, as well as their metrics and attributes.
  • The AWS ALB integration now collects tags for ALB Target Groups that can be used in NQRL queries and dashboard filters. You can also fine-tune the data gathered with this integration by specifying the resource tag key and value you want to monitor with the new Filter by tag. Check Configure polling frequency and data collection for cloud integrations for details.


  • If you had enabled the AWS VPC integration and you want to keep collecting NAT Gateway inventory data, please enable the filter under the integration settings. Take into account that New Relic will also start collecting NAT Gateway metrics from that moment on, and you might notice an increase in the number of calls to AWS CloudWatch.
  • The AWS S3 metric BucketSizeBytes has changed to reflect all storage types. Now, this metric includes the sum of the amount of data in bytes stored in a bucket including Standard Storage, Reduced Redundancy Storage, Infrequent Access Storage (IAS), One zone IAS, and Glacier Storage including overheads. As a result, you might see an increased total number of bytes for that metric.