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Ruby agent v9.14.0

September 30, 2024Download


We recommend updating to the latest agent version as soon as it's available. If you can't upgrade to the latest version, update your agents to a version no more than 90 days old. Read more about keeping agents up to date.

See the New Relic Ruby agent EOL policy for information about agent releases and support dates.


Version 9.14.0 adds Apache Kafka instrumentation for the rdkafka and ruby-kafka gems, introduces a configuration-based, automatic way to add custom instrumentation method tracers, correctly captures MIME type for ActionDispatch 7.0+ requests, properly handles Boolean coercion for newrelic.yml configuration, fixes a JRuby bug in the configuration manager, fixes a bug related to Bundler.rubygems.installed_specs, and fixes a bug to make the agent compatible with ViewComponent v3.15.0+.

  • Feature: Add Apache Kafka instrumentation for the rdkafka and ruby-kafka gems

    The agent now has instrumentation for both the rdkafka and ruby-kafka gems. The agent will record transactions and message broker segments for produce and consume calls made using these gems. PR#2824 PR#2842

  • Feature: Add a configuration option to permit custom method tracers to be defined automatically

    A new :automatic_custom_instrumentation_method_list configuration parameter has been added to permit the user to define a list of fully qualified (namespaced) Ruby methods for the agent to automatically add custom instrumentation for without requiring any code modifications to be made to the classes that define the methods.

    The list should be an array of CLASS#METHOD (for instance methods) and/or CLASS.METHOD (for class methods) strings.

    Use fully qualified class names (using the :: delimiter) that include any module or class namespacing.

    Here is some Ruby source code that defines a render_png instance method for an Image class and a notify class method for a User class, both within a MyCompany module namespace:

    module MyCompany
    class Image
    def render_png
    # code to render a PNG
    class User
    def self.notify
    # code to notify users

    Given that source code, the newrelic.yml config file might request instrumentation for both of these methods like so:

    - MyCompany::Image#render_png
    - MyCompany::User.notify

    That configuration example uses YAML array syntax to specify both methods. Alternatively, a comma-delimited string can be used instead:

    automatic_custom_instrumentation_method_list: 'MyCompany::Image#render_png, MyCompany::User.notify'

    Whitespace around the comma(s) in the list is optional. When configuring the agent with a list of methods via the NEW_RELIC_AUTOMATIC_CUSTOM_INSTRUMENTATION_METHOD_LIST environment variable, this comma-delimited string format should be used:

    export NEW_RELIC_AUTOMATIC_CUSTOM_INSTRUMENTATION_METHOD_LIST='MyCompany::Image#render_png, MyCompany::User.notify'


  • Feature: Collect just MIME type for ActionDispatch 7.0+ requests

    Rails 7.0 introduced changes to the behavior of ActionDispatch::Request#content_type, adding extra request-related details the agent wasn't expecting to collect. Additionally, the agent's use of content_type was triggering deprecation warnings. The agent now uses ActionDispatch::Request#media_type to capture the MIME type. Thanks to @internethostage for letting us know about this change. Issue#2500 PR#2855

  • Bugfix: Corrected Boolean coercion for newrelic.yml configuration

    Previously, any String assigned to New Relic configurations expecting a Boolean value were evaluated as true. This could lead to unexpected behavior. For example, setting application_logging.enabled: 'false' in newrelic.yml would incorrectly evaluate to application_logging.enabled: true due to the truthy nature of Strings.

    Now, the agent strictly interprets Boolean configuration values. It recognizes both actual Boolean values and certain Strings/Symbols:

    • 'true', 'yes', or 'on' (evaluates to true)
    • 'false', 'no', or 'off' (evaluates to false)

    Any other inputs will revert to the setting's default configuration value. PR#2847

  • Bugfix: JRuby not saving configuration values correctly in configuration manager

    Previously, a change made to fix a different JRuby bug caused the agent to not save configuration values correctly in the configuration manager when running on JRuby. This has been fixed. PR#2848

  • Bugfix: Update condition to verify Bundler.rubygems.installed_specs is available

    To address a recent Bundler deprecation warning, we started using Bundler.rubygems.installed_specs instead of Bundler.rubygems.all_specs in environments that seemed appropriate. We discovered the version constraint we used was too low. Now, rather than check the version, we check for the method using respond_to?. PR#2853

  • Bugfix: Support view_component v3.15.0+

    Previously the agent had been making use of a private API to obtain a component identifier value. This private API was dropped in v3.15.0 of view_component, resulting in errors from the New Relic Ruby agent's continued attempts to use it. Many thanks to community member @navidemad for bringing this issue to our attention and supplying a bugfix with PR#2870.

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