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Python agent release notesRSS

December 19, 2019
Python agent v5.4.1.134


This release of the Python agent includes a bug fix for reporting inaccurate metric values.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug Fixes

  • Metrics may be reported with an incorrect throughput after communication failure with New Relic

    For agent versions 5.2.0 through 5.4.0, metric throughput may have been reported inaccurately after experiencing network / communication failures with New Relic. The throughput reported for all metrics after this failure may have been abnormally high.

November 26, 2019
Python agent v5.4.0.132


This release of the Python agent includes the logs in context feature and bug fixes.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Logs In Context

    The logs in context feature is now supported by the PythonaAgent. For more information, see the Python logs-in-context page.

Bug Fixes

  • The plugin list in the environment page may have been inaccurately reported

    When using absolute imports in Python 2, the agent may have reported relative imports that were attempted but unsuccessful. Python 3 is not impacted. Modules are now reported correctly in Python 2.

November 13, 2019
Python agent v5.2.3.131


This release of the Python agent includes support for Python 3.8 and restores the original record-deploy command interface.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Added Support for Python 3.8

    Python 3.8 support has been added in this release.

  • Restore newrelic-admin record-deploy command interface

    The newrelic-admin command was previously updated to require an application id via the command line. The requirement has been removed, restoring the original record-deploy CLI arguments.

November 6, 2019
Python agent v5.2.2.130


This release of the Python agent includes bug fixes.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix thread utilization data on agent versions v5.x.x

    Thread utilization data was not reported for agents v5.x.x, resulting in missing data on the capacity analysis page. The agent will now report thread utilization data.

  • Fix untraced database calls when using pymysql context manager assignments

    When using context managers to create and assign a cursor in pymysql, database calls on that cursor object were not traced. Database calls in pymysql are now properly traced.

October 9, 2019
Python agent v5.2.1.129


This release of the Python agent includes bug fixes.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix a crash when using future-based interfaces on Tornado's http client

    Tornado's http client returns a future when fetch is called. Prior to this release, the agent caused a coroutine object to be returned rather than a future, causing a potential crash when application code assumed a future would be returned. A future will now be returned from http client fetch as expected.

  • Fix a crash when running a coroutine created in another transaction

    When running a coroutine outside of the transaction that created it, the agent may have crashed if a separate transaction was active.

October 1, 2019
Python agent v5.2.0.127


This release of the Python agent includes a bug fix for tornado and support for recording deployment markers in the EU region as well as specifying a deploy timestamp.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.


  • Support for Real Time Streaming

    • Event data is now sent to New Relic every five seconds, instead of every minute. As a result, transaction, error, and custom events will now be available in New Relic and Insights dashboards in near real time. For more information on how to view your events with a five-second refresh, see the real time streaming documentation.
    • Note that the overall limits on how many events can be sent per minute have not changed. Also, span events, metrics, and trace data is unaffected, and will still be sent every minute.
  • Added timestamp and EU region support for recording deployment markers

    When using the newrelic-admin record-deploy script an optional timestamp can be provided to specify when the deployment marker should be created. Furthermore support for accounts in the EU region have been added in this release.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash in tornado versions >= 6.1

    Tornado 6.1 internals changed in a way that may have caused the agent's built-in instrumentation to fail. The instrumentation has been updated to alleviate this issue.

August 12, 2019
Python agent v5.0.2.126


This release of the Python agent includes bug fixes for feedparser and django-piston.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when using feedparser

    When running with the feedparser library the agent would crash on attempting to parse an RSS feed. This issue has now been corrected.

  • Fixed a crash when using django-piston

    When running with the django-piston library the agent would crash on attempting to service a request. This issue has now been corrected.

August 9, 2019
Python agent v5.0.1.125


This release of the Python agent includes a bug fix for the mako library instrumentation.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when using the Mako template library

    When running with the Mako template library the agent would crash on attempting to render a template. This issue has now been corrected.

August 6, 2019
Python agent v5.0.0.124


This release of the Python agent introduces:

  • Event loop diagnostics feature
  • Tornado instrumentation for versions 6 or higher
  • Improved context manager API functionality and interfaces

This release also drops support for Python 3.4.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Event loop diagnostics

Introducing event loop diagnostics for asyncio! The Python agent can now surface information about transactions that block the event loop. The agent will be able to generate information about transactions that have waited a significant amount of time to acquire control of the event loop.

Event loop diagnostic information will be available in both APM and via NRQL query.

Event loop metrics will appear in the transaction Breakdown table:

Image of breakdown UI page

Time spent waiting on other transactions will be shown in the transaction Trace details page, as shown here:

Image of breakdown UI page

eventLoopTime and eventLoopWait attributes will be available via NRQL query. An example query might be:
SELECT count(*) as 'count', average(eventLoopTime) as 'loopTime', average(eventLoopWait) as 'loopWait' FROM Transaction facet name

In New Relic Insights, this might show a result like this:

Image of breakdown UI page

Diagnostics will be available by default through our existing aiohttp, sanic, and Tornado instrumentation. Diagnostic information will also be available for coroutines that use our background_task and web_transaction decorator APIs.

Tornado 6 Instrumentation

Instrumentation for Tornado framework version 6.x is supported without any feature flags. Support for versions earlier than Tornado 6.x has been dropped. The Tornado web server, framework, and http client are instrumented and information will show up in both APM and insights.

Important: Using the tornado.gen.coroutine with instrumentation is not supported. Any usage of tornado.gen.coroutine should be replaced with an asyncio coroutine.


class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
yield gen.sleep(0.2)


class MainHandler(tornado.web.RequestHandler):
def get(self):
yield from gen.sleep(0.2)

Improved APIs for time trace context managers

Context managers (such as FunctionTrace, ExternalTrace, DatastoreTrace) may now be used from within asyncio coroutines! Additionally, the transaction argument is no longer used for any context manager API. In order to transition to the new API, the transaction argument must be removed.


transaction = newrelic.agent.current_transaction()
with newrelic.agent.FunctionTrace(transaction, "my_trace"):


with newrelic.agent.FunctionTrace("my_trace"):

Updated WebTransaction context manager

The WebTransaction context manager is no longer WSGI dependent. The context manager takes generic HTTP arguments, which you can use to build web transactions that appear in the APM product. For more information, see our API documentation.

June 24, 2019
Python agent v4.20.1.121


This release of the Python agent includes bug fixes, deprecations, and improved naming behavior for gRPC.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from the New Relic download site.

Feature Enhancements

  • Improved gRPC support

    The external and transaction pages now show the gRPC method being called in addition to the host and port.

  • Ability to disable sending db.statement as part of traces

    When db.statement is added to either attributes.exclude or transaction_segments.attributes.exclude, the value will now no longer be sent to New Relic as part of transaction traces or spans.


  • TransactionContext API is now deprecated

    The TransactionContext API will be removed in a future release.

  • Tornado instrumentation + feature flag deprecation

    The existing introductory support for Tornado and feature flags will be removed from a future release. Versions 6.x and newer will be the only versions of Tornado supported in future releases. See this discussion on the New Relic forums for more details.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a crash when using uvicorn workers with gunicorn

    When running ASGI applications with gunicorn, the agent would attempt to instrument the application as a WSGI application, resulting in a crash. The agent will no longer attempt to instrument gunicorn applications that are coroutines.

  • Remove logging of license keys

    The agent logged license keys when data failed to send to New Relic. The agent will no longer log license keys to the agent logs under any circumstance.

  • Fix operation of distributed tracing and cross application tracing when httplib connections are reused

    When making multiple requests via a single connection with httplib, httplib2, or urllib3, the proper headers will be added to each outgoing request. As a result, cross application tracing and distributed tracing will now operate as expected when reusing connection objects.

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