Go agent v2.2

December 18, 2018Download

2.2 Notes

  • The Transaction parameter to NewRoundTripper and StartExternalSegment is now optional: If it is nil, then a Transaction will be looked for in the request's context (using FromContext). Passing a nil transaction is STRONGLY recommended when using NewRoundTripper since it allows one http.Client.Transport to be used for multiple transactions. Example use:
client := &http.Client{}
client.Transport = newrelic.NewRoundTripper(nil, client.Transport)
request, _ := http.NewRequest("GET", "http://example.com", nil)
request = newrelic.RequestWithTransactionContext(request, txn)
resp, err := client.Do(request)
  • Introduced Transaction.SetWebRequest(WebRequest) method which marks the transaction as a web transaction. If the WebRequest parameter is non-nil, SetWebRequest will collect details on request attributes, url, and method. This method is useful if you don't have access to the request at the beginning of the transaction, or if your request is not an *http.Request (just add methods to your request that satisfy WebRequest). To use an *http.Request as the parameter, use the NewWebRequest transformation function. Example:
var request *http.Request = getInboundRequest()
  • Fixed Debug in nrlogrus package. Previous versions of the New Relic Go Agent incorrectly logged to Info level instead of Debug. This has now been fixed. Thanks to @paddycarey for catching this.
  • nrgin.Transaction may now be called with either a context.Context or a *gin.Context. If you were passing a *gin.Context around your functions as a context.Context, you may access the Transaction by calling either nrgin.Transaction or FromContext. These functions now work nicely together. For example, FromContext will return the Transaction added by nrgin.Middleware. Thanks to @rodriguezgustavo for the suggestion.