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Job Manager release notesRSS

November 3, 2022
Job Manager v204


  • Largely improved the reduction in compute resources due to more efficient usage of each job manager
  • Added more detailed logging for when a job not found
  • Provided better logging around jobs coming off the parking log


October 17, 2022
Job Manager v191

New Features

  • Changed the MAX_JOB_CAPACITY environment variable to HEAVYWEIGHT_WORKERS environment variable, which is the maximum number of heavyweight jobs that the job manager will run in parallel


  • Updated the synthetics-utilities version we are using to 1.0.24


  • Added better logging around the error message for not finding the runtimes
  • Fixed an NPE error about the ping-runtime could not be found after all the runtimes have been downloaded successfully
  • Replaced docker cpu quotas with docker cpu shares to ensure that unused capacity is not wasted

October 10, 2022
Job Manager v183

New Features

  • Added the ability to configure a CPU core limit for each runtime type


  • Reduced CPU usage while the job manager is waiting for results from ephemeral runtimes by implementing a more efficient waiting algorithm

October 6, 2022
Job Manager v172


  • Improved AWS error messages

October 5, 2022
Job Manager v168


  • Fixed a bug where the PrivateRuntimeDownloadUtility wasn't evaluating the default registry correctly

October 4, 2022
Job Manager v166

New Features

  • Adding DESIRED_RUNTIMES as an environment variable, so users can supply their particularly desired runtime(s) and tags


  • Making DOCKER_REGISTRY and DOCKER_REPOSITORY configurable via environment variables to replace the default docker.io and newrelic values, respectively


  • Sending all events data via the environment variable rather than just through US_EAST_1

September 23, 2022
Job Manager v162

New Features

  • Adding MAX_JOB_CAPACITY, which is the maximum number of heavyweight jobs that the job manager will run in parallel, as an environment variable


  • Added a pending queue for private job managers, before getting jobs from Horde

September 16, 2022
Job Manager v160

New Features

  • Added an instance refresh script


  • Reduced logging levels for container events

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