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React Native agent release notesRSS

March 17, 2023
React Native agent v1.1.0

New in this release

  • Upgrade native Android agent to v6.10.0
  • Upgrade native iOS agent to v7.4.3

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed an issue that caused conflicts with network monitoring in FlipperKit.

February 15, 2023
React Native agent v1.0.1

Fixed in this release

  • Cyclical structures are now removed when sent to the console, preventing large circular structures from causing an out-of-memory issue on Android.

February 10, 2023
React Native agent v1.0.0

New in this release

  • TypeScript support has been added, providing improved type checking and better coding experience for TypeScript users.
  • The ability to configure collector endpoints and logging level has been added, providing more control over the data collection process.
  • The ability to turn off logging for iOS has been added, providing more control over the data collection process.

Fixed in this release

  • Unhandled promise rejection handler will now handle null errors generated by React Native, ensuring that the application continues to run smoothly.
  • Cyclical structures are now properly handled when sent to the console, avoiding potential errors and crashes in the logging process.

January 13, 2023
React Native agent v0.0.9

New in this release

  • Updated Native Android Agent Version

Fixed in this release

  • Reduced bundle size of agent
  • Fixed issue where pod hash would change on different builds

November 10, 2022
React Native agent v0.0.8

New in this release

  • Added hot and cold app launch time. You can find more information here: Android and iOS

Fixed in this release

  • Fix for recursive call for react native navigation (for version 4 or earlier)
  • Removed jcenter from Android

October 14, 2022
React Native agent v0.0.7

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed an issue where error stack trace length would cause crashing in iOS apps.

October 11, 2022
React Native agent v0.0.6

New in this release

  • Add methods that are currently available in the Android and iOS agents.
  • Add recordError to record JavaScript errors for React Native.
  • Add methods to set agent configuration after the agent has started.

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed an issue where null errors in the global React Native handler would cause errors on the XCFramework agent module.

September 19, 2022
React Native agent v0.0.5

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed issue where JS Errors are not recording for iOS apps when Error stack length is lesser than 4096.

September 9, 2022
React Native agent v0.0.4

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed an issue for android where the app is crashing when errostack is null.

August 4, 2022
React Native agent v0.0.3

New in this release

  • Add Routing Instrumentation which will capture the current screen and record it as breadcrumb.
  • Add support for Native Agent's Features Configuration.

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed an issue for iOS where Javascript errors are not saved as custom events.

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