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Android agent release notesRSS

February 4, 2019
Android agent v5.22.0

New in this release

Fixed in this release

  • Fixes null pointer exception during map upload when the generated map file is empty, such as when Proguard is enabled, but obfuscation is disabled using the -dontobfuscate Proguard configuration setting.

January 3, 2019
Android agent v5.21.3

Fixed in this release

  • Fixes build failure when Kotlin extensions are used
  • Eliminates a race condition that could result in ANR in apps that make many concurrent network requests

December 3, 2018
Android agent v5.21.2

Fixed in this release

  • Corrects a condition where a Gradle task would block when uploading Proguard/Dexguard map files

November 26, 2018
Android agent v5.21.1

Fixed in this release

  • Corrects a problem detecting R8-generated map files
  • Removes unnecessary Proguard map file processing task

November 5, 2018
Android agent v5.21.0

New in this release

  • Add support for the upcoming Android D8/R8 toolset
  • Discontinue the New Relic Maven plugin
  • Disable CPU sampling for apps running on Android 8 and higher

Fixed in this release

  • Correct the mismatched build ID shared between the stamped and uploaded Proguard/Dexguard map file and submitted crashes
  • Fix an issue that caused a Facebook login API failure
  • Update agent plugin to address Gradle 5 warnings


Dexguard users must upgrade to version 8.2.22 to be compatible with this release.

October 15, 2018
Android agent v5.20.0

New in this release

  • Support for the Maven plugin is now deprecated, and will be removed in version 5.21.0.
  • The minimum supported SDK level (minSdkVersion) is now 14 (Android 4.0)

Fixed in this release

  • Removed dependency on legacy Android Apache library, which resulted in NoClassDefFoundError exceptions when targeting Android SDK 28.
  • Removed cast exception with OkHTTP2 CacheResponseBody when using Retrofit 1.9.0 with OkHttp 2.7.5 .
  • Corrected mismatched UUID added to Proguard/Dexguard mapping file (the map UUID didn't match the UUID of reported crashes).
  • Restored missing Dexguard lambda instrumentation.
  • Corrected representation of LONG numeric attributes to prevent loss of precision (agent could not record precise timestamp attributes).
  • Crashes that occur prior to successfully connecting to collector will be queued until a valid connection data token is received.
  • Restored agent shutdown and final harvest when foreground services present.

September 10, 2018
Android agent v5.19.1


Fixes NoClassDefFoundError crash due to missing Apache classes for apps targeting Android 9 (SDK versions P or 28 ). This release is only needed by apps that target SDK 28 or higher.

June 8, 2018
Android agent v5.19.0


  • The agent will now recognize region-specific application tokens.

April 3, 2018
Android agent v5.18.1

Fixed in this release

  • Fixed problem reading from the error stream of instrumented Http/HttpsUrlConnection requests.
  • Fixed problems uploading Proguard/Dexguard mapping.txt files.
  • Eliminated a delay in shutting down the app when reporting a crash.

March 7, 2018
Android agent v5.18.0

Fixed in this release

  • Addressed potential ANR at launch when an app has the Firebase performance monitoring SDK also running.

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