- Improved time picker with custom start and end time selection
- Added time picker to Dashboards
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred in the new Dashboards
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred on the iPad
- Fixed a crash that occurred sometimes on error charts with no data
New features
- View New Relic dashboards
- Added detailed pages that include new chart tooltip and legend behavior
- Landscape support for widgets
3.53.1 is a hot fix for 3.53.0 which has an improved Mobile APM Http Errors view, to allow you to facet & filter down to the errors you care about.
Bug fixes
- Fixes crash that sometimes occurred when viewing line charts with multiple elements.
We now have an improved Mobile APM Http Errors view, to allow you to facet & filter down to the errors you care about.
New features
- New Mobile APM HTTP Errors view
- Added support for Radar in context 'event' anomalies
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when viewing charts
- Fixed a crash that sometimes appeared when trying to login
- Fixed a crash that occurred rarely in the monitors page
Support for iOS 13 dark mode!!!
New features
- Dark mode support for iOS 13
- New crashes tab in Mobile APM, with improved grouping, searching and filtering
- Added in synthetic monitors to the iPad
- Fix for showing a retry login popup when we shouldn't be
- Enable auto resizing of the y axis in charts, to scale to the visible time window
- Update APM app error rate to reflect the web
The New Relic app is even better with an improved home screen, displaying all your favorite services, hosts, mobile and browser apps, key transactions, and more. This enhanced landing page also allows you to search across services, apps and hosts!
New features
- Added new home screen with favorite APM, Mobile, and Browser apps, Infrastructure hosts, key transactions, and plugin instances.
- Added search to the home screen, to quickly search across APM, Mobile, Browser apps, hosts and key transactions.
- Updated Infrastructure, when viewing a filter set, to show all hosts in the charts (up to 20) by default.
Improved and redesigned Browser product within the app!
New features
- New Browser single page app (SPA) overview charts
- Added support to display in progress Browser violations and recent events
- Added support to display Browser page views
- Added support to display Browser JS errors
- Improved real agents call in APM
- Added link in app to license documentation
Synchronizes app favorites with New Relic for a consistent way to get access to those APM apps, Browser apps, Mobile apps, and synthetic monitors wherever you might be.
- Uses the same data source for favorites as New Relic One
- Merges any iPhone / iPad specific favorites into your New Relic One favorites
- Updates Apdex charts to zoom in on the y axis to better show smaller variations
- Update Transaction trace bar to closer match the web in some edge cases
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where searching in the APM Error attributes or stack traces would result in strange behavior
- Fixes an issue in the host / instance popup where the web response time was off by an order of magnitude
Our new APM memory / threads section now works with Java & Elixir agents!
- Additional information for Java instances and Elixir hosts in the APM application detail section.
- New host / instance drop down for APM applications showing summary information, and allowing you to filter the APM page to a specific host or instance.
- Update to the Mobile APM summary page, so that some edge cases will now load.
New features
- Additional information for hosts of Ruby, Node.js, and Go APM applications.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a crash when tapping logout on the iPad
- Fixed for some synthetic monitors not loading
- Fixed a few other infrequent crashes