Mobile app for iOS release notesRSS

October 30, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.80.4


Added in watchOS support for complications, and a minimal view of APM, mobile, and browser metrics.


  • Now we respect the show other option in dashboard charts
  • Fixed a crash in the NRQL editor
  • Fixed a crash that can occur when numbers in a chart are very close to zero
  • Fixed a crash that can happen when tapping on saved filters from the main menu

October 15, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.79.1


Redesigned dashboard billboard threshold charts

New features

  • Improved iOS widgets with updated at, and since X minutes ago labels
  • Updated dashboard billboard charts, to provide a full color background if a threshold has been reached
  • Improved universal link behavior

September 22, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.78.0


Now you can add dashboard charts to the iOS widgets from dashboard chart details!

New features

  • Added support in the app for adding dashboard charts to widgets
  • Added a new screen to manage the order of these charts from within the dashboard chart detail
  • You can edit a widget to select from one of these charts


  • We have also updated APM transaction errors, so that you can display the detail of the error even if there aren't any traces

August 19, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.77.1


Support for stacked bar charts in dashboards, and the query editor.

New features

  • Added in a new widget type, stacked bar charts, that's available in dashboards, and the query editor.
  • Improved color matching for the same legend item throughout dashboards.
  • Improved infrastructure filter set, and infrastructure host list loading times.


  • Fixes opening to query builder links.
  • Fixes APM transaction detail throughput chart using incorrect query.

July 19, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.76.1


Now with the ability to explore all of your Kubernetes clusters!

New features

  • Added in a Kubernetes cluster explorer page that is accessed from the entity explorer when tapping on any Kubernetes cluster
  • Shows nodes, pods, containers and services running on containers that are reporting to the same account


  • Fixes a crash on iPads when tapping the more button on iOS 13 and below

June 14, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.75.0


Improved Synthetic monitor details, and the ability to view queries from dashboard widgets

New features

  • Adds a View query option to dashboard widgets
  • Adds in the ability to always be able to view / run NRQL from an incident violation
  • Adds in the ability to run a synthetic monitor from within the app
  • Adds in a results list to synthetic monitors
  • Adds in the ability to pull to refresh on most summary screens

May 26, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.74.0


Added the ability to manually close an incident, if the user has the proper access control.

New features

  • New Close incident button on both the iPhone and iPad to manually close an incident and all violations associated with that incident.

May 17, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.73.0


Enhanced OpenTelemetry services support.

New features

  • Added in new summary views for Micrometer, Kamon, OpenTelemetry and Pixie generated services
  • Added in Transactions, Database calls, External services for certain OpenTelemetry generated entities

May 10, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.72.0


Now featuring a global left navigation on iPad, with an explorer for all your entities.

New features

  • Added in an entity explorer page on iPad that supports Infrastructure integrations, along with a lot of other types of entities
  • Added in a global left navigation bar on iPad, to allow you to quickly access home, explorer, dashboards, alerts, and query from anywhere
  • Renamed integration reported services to OpenTelemetry services


  • Fixed an issue when opening dashboard universal links

April 28, 2021
Mobile app for iOS v3.71.0


Now featuring a global tab bar, with an explorer for all your entities.

New features

  • Added in an entity explorer page that supports Infrastructure integrations, along with a lot of other types of entities
  • Added in a global tab bar, to allow you to quickly access home, explorer, dashboards, alerts, and query from anywhere
  • Added support for integration reported services
  • Adds anomaly support in incidents for EU accounts


  • Updates custom time picker to allow for 5 minute intervals between start and end
  • Fixes feedback form issue