Python agent v2.20.0.17

May 29, 2014


The end-of-life date for this agent version is July 29, 2019. To update to the latest agent version, see Update the agent. For more information, see End-of-life policy.


This release of the Python agent provides various improvements to database client module instrumentation and execution of explain plans.

The agent can be installed using easy_install/pip/distribute via the Python Package Index or can be downloaded directly from our download site.

For a list of known issues with the Python agent, see our online help article on the status of the Python agent.

New Features

  • Added a 'license-info' command to the 'newrelic-admin' script for displaying the LICENSE file for the 'newrelic' package.

Bug fixes/Improvements:

  • The bottle instrumentation was causing a secondary exception when a web request was not actually being monitored and an un-handled exception occurred in the web request.
  • Added support for accepting additional arguments to the execute() method of database cursors implemented by the oursql and cx_Oracle modules which are not covered by the Python DBAPI 2 (PEP 249) specification.
  • The time taken for connect() calls of database client modules will now be counted in Database time (on the APM Overview page).
  • The automatic rollback or commit performed on exit of the context manager for a database connection was not being monitored and reported when using the psycopg2, psycopg2cffi and postgresql database client modules for the PostgreSQL database.
  • Improved how database connections are managed when performing explain plans and also applied caps to the number of process wide explain plans that are done in each reporting period. This should have the result of reducing overhead in situations where there was a large number of candidate SQL statements on which to perform explain plans. Any additional overhead from the agent in the past would have been most notable when performing an X-Ray session against a key transaction.