Node.js agent v5.11.0

July 31, 2019Download

New Features

  • Implements Expected and Ignored Errors functionality

  • Adds support for scoped package name introduced in hapi v18 (@hapi/hapi).

    This will provide functionality at parity with instrumentation for hapi v17. Any new features may not yet be supported.


  • Bumps jsdoc and lodash dev dependency to avoid upstream vulnerability warning.
  • Adds detailed logging through harvest/collector code to increase supportability.


  • Fixed bug where agent would count errors towards error metrics even if they were dropped due to the error collector being disabled.

  • The agent will now properly track cached paths to files in loaded modules on Node versions >10.

    As of Node v11, the path to a file in a module being loaded will only be resolved on the first load; subsequent resolution of that file will use a cached value. The agent records this resolved path and uses it for relative file look ups in order to deep link into modules using Shim#require. Since the agent couldn't reliably get at the path on the subsequent calls to require, it now replicates the caching logic and hold onto the resolved path for a given file.