Node.js agent v4.1.5

June 11, 2018


  • Make require() statements explicitly reference package.json as a .json file.

This solves a problem when requiring/importing newrelic from a Typescript file.

  • Check if process.mainModule.filename exists before using in missing config file check.

When the agent is preloaded with Node's --require flag, mainModule is not yet defined when the agent checks for a config file, resulting in a TypeError in the event that no config file exists. Defaulting to the file path being executed in process.argv ensures that the app will not crash when preloaded without a config file.

  • Updated dev dependency tap to v12.0.1.
  • Fixed identification of errors with express.

Previously the call next('router') was considered an error. This is actually valid usage of express and will no longer generate an error.

  • Removed debug.internal_metrics configuration.

This legacy debug configuration was never used since trace-level logging provides everything this did and more.

  • Upgraded optional dependency @newrelic/native-metrics to v3.

With this update comes pre-built binaries for Node 5 and 7. GC metrics are also now aggregated in C++ until the agent is ready to harvest them instead of hopping into JS for each event.

  • Added additional checks to uninstrumented ensuring that files with names matching instrumented modules do not result in a false uninstrumented status.

For example, some users load config/env info before the agent. In that case, a file responsible for exporting DB config information (config/redis.js), may result in a false uninstrumented status, because the agent would interpret redis.js as the module itself.