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Node.js agent release notesRSS

January 26, 2017
Node.js agent v1.36.2

Bug fixes

  • Fixed issue with timing Redis operations when called without a callback.

    Previously these operations would continue to be timed until the transaction ended, and as a result reported incorrect times.

  • Transactions that result in a 404 HTTP error are now named "(not found)".

    Previously these transactions were reported with no name (e.g. get /).

  • When the newrelic.js configuration file is not present, the agent now logs a message to the console and no longer prevents the app from starting up.

January 25, 2017
Node.js agent v2.4.0-beta


  • Rewrote the cassandra-cql and memcached instrumentations using the DatastoreShim.

  • Improved instrumentation matching.

    Previously, the agent would determine which instrumentation would run for a given module being loaded using the basename of the file path. This lead to false positives (e.g. myapp/lib/express.js would trigger the express instrumentation) which we previously just ignored. Matches are now determined using the string passed to require. This means you can now match local relative paths (./lib/something) as well as package-relative paths (amqplib/callback_api).

January 12, 2017
Node.js agent v1.36.1

Bug fixes

  • Stop collecting URL parameters from the HTTP referer header

    The Node agent collects the request headers during an error trace to help determine the root cause of problems. The referer header is the URI that identifies the address of the webpage that linked to the resource being requested. It is possible that the referer URI may contain sensitive information in the request query parameters. New Relic has found that the query parameters are not properly stripped during the error trace. This update fixes this by stripping the query parameters from the referer in the request header before sending this data to New Relic.

    This release fixes New Relic Security Bulletin NR17-01.


  • Improved logging of modules that did not get instrumented.

Node.js agent v2.3.1-beta


  • Incorporated fixes from 1.36.1

January 5, 2017
Node.js agent v2.3.0-beta

New features

  • The @newrelic/native-metrics module is now an optional dependency of the agent.

    Now npm will attempt to install the module when the agent is installed. If it fails for whatever reason, the agent itself will still be installed correctly and the rest of the npm install will finish normally.


  • Incorporated new features and fixes from 1.34.0, 1.35.1, and 1.36.0

December 21, 2016
Node.js agent v1.35

New Features

  • Added CPU metric gathering to Node.js versions <6.1

    As of this release the agent will attempt to gather CPU usage metrics via the optional @newrelic/native-metrics module.

  • Added additional memory usage classification metrics.

    The agent will now report memory metrics that break down memory by its current use.

    For more information on these features, see our documentation.

December 13, 2016
Node.js agent v1.35.1

Bug fixes

  • Removed automatic installation of @newrelic/native-metrics.

    Due to the way npm v3+ flatten dependencies, a bug in the version of npm packaged with Node v5, and npm v1's ungraceful handling of scoped packages we have opted to not automatically install this module.

    If you would like to see native metrics for your application, you can add the @newrelic/native-metrics module to your package.json and the Node Agent will automatically pick it up.

  • Corrected attribution of the Bluebird patch in the last release's notes.

    Thanks to Matt Lavin (@mdlavin) for this correction!

December 12, 2016
Node.js agent v1.35.0



This release has been unpublished from npmjs.org. Please use version 1.35.1 or higher.

New features

  • The agent will now report garbage collection statistics on supported platforms.

    On node versions 0.10, 0.12, 4, 6, and 7 the agent will now record the time spent in, the number of, and type of garbage collection cycles. You can read more about it on our docs site!

Bug fixes

  • The agent no longer double counts MySQL query times when using a connection pool.

    Previously, when using a pool of connections a query done through the pool would be recorded as the time it took on the pool, as well as the connection, effectively counting the time twice. This is no longer the case.

  • The agent will no longer lose transaction state across Bluebird's promise.nodify.

    Thanks to Matt Lavin (@mdlavin) for this contribution!

November 10, 2016
Node.js agent v1.34.0

New features

  • The agent now collects CPU metrics when running under Node 6.1.0 and higher.

    Node 6.1.0 introduced an API to get CPU time usage of the running Node process. We are now collecting this data as new metrics.

  • The agent now has a separate configuration for audit logging.

    Previously the data that the agent sends to the collector was logged only in trace logging mode, making the logs unnecessarily large and noisy. The agent can now include this data independent of the logging level using separate configuration settings.

  • A new API method addCustomParameters() has been added to allow adding multiple custom parameters at once. Thanks to Austin Peterson (@AKPWebDesign) for this contribution!


  • Updated tests to run on Node 7.

    Node 7 is officially supported as of the previous release, v1.33.0.

  • The shutdown() API now waits for connection to collect pending data.

    When a flag to collect pending data is provided to the shutdown() method, the agent now ensures a connection to the collector has been established. This is useful when the Node process is short-lived, such as in AWS Lambda.

  • Added running the nsp (Node Security Platform) tool to the test suite to help with detecting security-related vulnerabilities.

Bug fixes

  • The setIgnoreTransaction() API now works for background transactions.
  • Fixed issue with synthetic result not displaying a link to the corresponding transaction trace.

November 9, 2016
Node.js agent v2.2.0-beta


  • Incorporated new features and fixes from v1.30.4, v1.30.5, v1.31.0, v1.32.0, and v1.33.0.

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