.NET agent v8.17.438.0

July 22, 2019Download

New Features

  • This release adds Transaction event attributes that provide context between your Kubernetes cluster and services. For details on the benefits see this blog post.
  • The NewRelic.Agent NuGet package now includes the x86 (32-bit) profiler for Windows. To monitor 32-bit Windows applications using this NuGet package the COR_PROFILER_PATH (.NET Framework) or the CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH (.NET Core) environment variable needs to be set to the path the of the 32-bit profiler DLL (NewRelic.Profiler.x86.dll).
  • For .NET Core applications hosted in Azure App Services, the New Relic Azure Site Extension can now be used to install the agent. This was previously only available for .NET Framework applications. Follow these procedures to install.


  • Fixed an issue where the NRQL Extrapolate clause in Insights did not work properly for Transaction Events.
  • Fixed an issue where cross application tracing could cause a metric grouping issue (MGI) for web requests that result in a 300 or higher response status code. Transaction names may now be rolled up by status code.
  • Fixed an issue where browser script injection in ASP.NET applications could cause a metric grouping issue (MGI) for web requests that result in a 30x redirect status code. Transaction names may now be rolled up by status code.
