Nuestro dashboard de información valiosa empresarial de Magento proporciona una vista completa del rendimiento de su aplicación de comercio electrónico Magento. Con el dashboard, puede realizar fácilmente un seguimiento de métricas comerciales clave, como ingresos en riesgo, pedidos en riesgo debido al tiempo de inactividad y rendimiento deficiente del sistema. También puede utilizar el dashboard para diagnosticar problemas en el rendimiento de su aplicación y optimizar su código.

Nuestro dashboard de información valiosa empresarial de Magento le brinda una vista central de los datos de su aplicación Magento.
Para comenzar a monitorear su aplicación Magento en New Relic, siga estos pasos para enviar los datos de su aplicación a New Relic y verlos en el dashboard información valiosa del negocio de Magento.
Instalar el agente de infraestructura
Nuestro agente de infraestructura monitorea su host e informa métricas como el uso de CPU, uso de memoria, uso de almacenamiento, uso de disco y tráfico de red.
Para instalar el agente, elija uno de estos métodos de instalación:
- Siga los pasos de nuestra instalación guiada para un proceso de instalación rápido y sencillo.
- Instale manualmente el agente para un proceso de instalación más avanzado.
Instalar el agente PHP
Nuestro agente PHP informa métricas relacionadas con la aplicación y browser , como el rendimiento de AJAX, la tasa de errores, la duración, las principales métricas web y el rendimiento.
Para instalar el agente, elija uno de estos métodos de instalación:
- Siga los pasos de nuestra instalación guiada para un proceso de instalación rápido y sencillo.
- Instale manualmente el agente para un proceso de instalación más avanzado.
Instalar la integración MySQL
Nuestra integración MySQL monitorea sus bases de datos y recopila métricas sobre la utilización de la base de datos y las conexiones, como las consultas más lentas y las conexiones activas por nodo.
Para instalar la integración:
Vaya a > Add data
Busque y haga clic en
Selecciona una cuenta y sigue los pasos de instalación guiados.
Si necesita instalar el agente de otra manera, consulte Integración de monitoreo de MySQL.
Instalar la integración de Apache
Nuestra integración Apache recopila métricas de red como conexiones TCP, búsqueda de DNS, HTTPS, SSL y estados de servidor y trabajador.
Para instalar la integración, siga los pasos de nuestra instalación guiada.
Si necesita instalar la integración de otra manera, consulte Integración de monitoreo de Apache.
Instalar la integración de Elasticsearch
Nuestra integración de Elasticsearch recopila métricas como el estado del clúster y los fragmentos actuales. Si está utilizando Magento versión 2.4 y superior, deberá instalar nuestra integración de Elasticsearch.
Para instalar la integración:
Vaya a > Add data
Busque y haga clic en
Selecciona una cuenta y sigue los pasos de instalación guiados.
Si necesita instalar la integración de otra manera, consulte Integración de monitoreo de Elasticsearch.
Configurar el monitoreo sintético
Nuestro monitor Sintético prueba su aplicación en diferentes ubicaciones y captura el tiempo de inactividad del servidor. Puede ver estos datos en el dashboard de información valiosa de Magento Business.
Para configurar el monitor Sintético, siga los pasos de nuestra instalación guiada.
Crear una integración Flex
Nuestra integración Flex personalizada le permite capturar métricas comerciales a través de la consulta de la base de datos de su aplicación.
Para crear su integración Flex:
Cree un archivo de configuración
:- Ruta al archivo de configuración:
- Nombre del archivo de configuración:
- Ruta al archivo de configuración:
Agregue el siguiente fragmento de código al archivo de configuración. Asegúrese de cambiar y reemplazar
:# NOTE: 'database' is an experimental API at this time# ref: name: nri-flex# interval: 30sconfig:name: MySQLDbFlexapis:- database: mysql# connection string for an rds mysql instance. Be sure to use the writer endpoint here. /sys is the default database. newrelic:Password is the user:pass.db_conn:<USERNAME>:<PASSWORD>@tcp(localhost:3306)/<DATABASE_NAME>logging:open: true# custom_attributes: # applies to all queries# host: CustomMagentoMySQL # custom host name atributedb_async: truedb_queries:- name: MYSQLSalesOrderDetailsrun: SELECT status AS 'status', entity_id AS 'order_id' FROM sales_order;- name: MySQLSalesOrderCumulativerun: SELECT AVG(grand_total) AS 'average_grand_total', SUM(grand_total) AS 'grand_total_sum', SUM(total_item_count) AS 'total_order_item_count' FROM sales_order;- name: MySQLSalesOrderByStatusrun: SELECT status AS 'order_status', COUNT(increment_id) AS 'total_orders', (SUM(grand_total)) AS 'total_billed_amount_by_status' FROM sales_order GROUP BY status;- name: MYSQLSalesOrderByCustomerGrouprun: SELECT AVG(salesOrder.grand_total) AS 'grand_total_average_of_all_orders', customerGroup.customer_group_code AS 'customer_group_code' FROM `sales_order` salesOrder JOIN `customer_group` customerGroup ON salesOrder.customer_group_id = customerGroup.customer_group_id GROUP BY salesOrder.customer_group_id;- name: MYSQLSalesOrderByProductrun: SELECT items.order_id AS 'Order ID', items.created_at AS 'Order Created Date', orders.status AS 'Order Status', AS 'productName', items.sku AS ProductSearchcode, orders.total_item_count AS 'Order Quantity', orders.grand_total AS 'Grand Total' FROM sales_order AS orders JOIN sales_order_item AS items ON items.order_id = orders.entity_id;- name: MYSQLSalesOrderByCategoryrun: SELECT AS 'Category', AVG(orders.grand_total) AS 'average_order_total' FROM sales_order AS orders JOIN sales_order_item AS items ON items.order_id = orders.entity_id GROUP BY;- name: MYSQLSalesOrderByRegionrun: SELECT soa.country_id, soa.region_id, 'Region Name', so.entity_id AS 'Order ID', so.grand_total FROM sales_order_address soa JOIN directory_country_region_name dcrn JOIN sales_order so WHERE soa.region_id = dcrn.region_id AND so.entity_id = soa.parent_id;- name: MySQLSalesOrderPaymentCountrun: SELECT count(*) as CountOfOrderByMethod, method as PaymentMethodType FROM `sales_order_payment` group by method;- name: MYSQLAbandonedCartsrun: SELECT customer_email, items_count AS 'Products', items_qty AS 'Quantity', subtotal FROM `quote` WHERE customer_email IS NOT NULL AND reserved_order_id IS NULL AND subtotal != 0.0000;- name: MYSQLCustomerEntityRegisteredUsersrun: SELECT count(*) AS 'Registered Accounts' FROM `customer_entity`;- name: MYSQLUnregisteredCustomersrun: SELECT customer_email FROM sales_order WHERE customer_is_guest = 1 GROUP BY customer_email;- name: MYSQLSalesOrderByUnregisteredCustomersSummaryrun: SELECT COUNT(entity_id) AS 'Total Order Ids', SUM(grand_total) AS 'Grand Total Sum' FROM sales_order WHERE customer_is_guest = 1;- name: MYSQLCustomerEntityActiveUsersrun: SELECT count(is_active) AS 'Active Users' FROM `customer_entity` WHERE is_active = 1;- name: MYSQLReturningCustomersrun: WITH ctel1 AS (SELECT COUNT(entity_id) AS 'numberOfOrders', customer_email AS 'customerEmail' FROM sales_order GROUP BY customer_email) SELECT count(*) AS 'returningCustomers' FROM ctel1 WHERE numberOfOrders > 1;- name: MYSQLNewCustomersrun: SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT email) AS 'newCustomers' FROM customer_entity WHERE MONTH(created_at) >= MONTH(CURRENT_DATE() - INTERVAL 1 MONTH);- name: MYSQLBestSellersDailyrun: SELECT SUM(qty_ordered) as 'QuantityOrdered', product_name FROM sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily GROUP BY product_id, product_name ORDER BY QuantityOrdered DESC;- name: MYSQLRevenuePerMonthAndYearrun: SELECT SUM(grand_total) AS 'Total Revenue', AVG(grand_total) AS 'Average Revenue', YEAR(created_at) AS 'Year', MONTH(created_at) AS 'Month' FROM sales_order WHERE status = 'complete' GROUP BY YEAR(created_at), MONTH(created_at);- name: MYSQLMostViewedProductsDailyrun: SELECT SUM(views_num) as 'View Count', product_name, product_id FROM report_viewed_product_aggregated_daily GROUP BY product_name, product_id ORDER BY View Count DESC;- name: MYSQLConversionRaterun: WITH cte1 AS (SELECT soi.product_id AS 'SalesProductId', AS 'ProductName', COUNT(soi.order_id) AS 'Total Orders' FROM `sales_order_item` soi group by soi.product_id,, cte2 AS (SELECT viewed.product_id AS 'ProductID', COUNT(viewed.product_id) AS 'Total Views' FROM `report_viewed_product_index` viewed group by viewed.product_id) SELECT SalesProductId as 'ProductID', ProductName, Total Views, Total Orders, Total Orders / Total Views * 100 as 'Conversion Rate In Percent' FROM cte1 JOIN cte2 WHERE cte1.SalesProductId = cte2.ProductID;- name: MYSQLTopTenSalesOrdersByValuerun: SELECT entity_id AS 'Order ID', total_item_count AS 'Order Quantity', created_at AS 'Created Date', grand_total AS 'Grand Total' FROM sales_order ORDER BY grand_total DESC LIMIT 10;- name: MYSQLOrdersAveragerun: SELECT AVG(order_count) AS 'Average Number Of Orders', Year AS 'Year' FROM (SELECT YEAR(created_at) AS 'Year', COUNT(DISTINCT order_id) AS order_count FROM sales_order_item GROUP BY MONTH(created_at), YEAR(created_at)) subquery GROUP BY Year;- name: MYSQLWishlistProductsrun: SELECT w.product_id, p.value AS 'Product Name', SUM(w.qty) AS 'Wishlist Count' FROM wishlist_item as w LEFT JOIN catalog_product_entity_varchar as p ON p.entity_id = w.product_id WHERE attribute_id = 73 GROUP BY w.product_id, p.value ORDER BY 'Wishlist Count' DESC;- name: MYSQLProductPageViewWithNoInventoryrun: SELECT v.product_id, v.product_name, v.views_num AS 'Page Views', i.qty AS 'Inventory Quantity' FROM report_viewed_product_aggregated_daily AS v LEFT JOIN cataloginventory_stock_item i ON i.product_id = v.product_id WHERE i.qty = 0 ORDER BY v.views_num DESC;- name: MYSQLHighestRestockAlertsrun: SELECT p.value as Product Name, p.entity_id as Product ID, count(a.alert_stock_id) as Restock Alert Count FROM `product_alert_stock` AS a, `catalog_product_entity_varchar` as p where a.product_id = p.value_id GROUP BY p.value, product_id order by 2 desc;- name: MYSQLSlowMovingProductsrun: SELECT cpev.entity_id as Product ID, cpev.value as Product Name, sum(isi.quantity) as Quantity from inventory_source_item as isi join catalog_product_entity as cpe on isi.sku = cpe.sku join catalog_product_entity_varchar as cpev on cpe.entity_id = cpev.entity_id where cpev.attribute_id = 73 group by Product ID, Product Name order by Quantity desc;- name: MYSQLAccountWithSmallTransactionrun: SELECT sum(grand_total) as Grand Total, customer_email FROM sales_order group by customer_email order by Grand Total ASC LIMIT 10;- name: MYSQLProfitableCustomersrun: select sum(grand_total) as Grand Total, customer_email from sales_order group by customer_email order by Grand Total desc LIMIT 10;- name: MYSQLRevenueLostDueToDiscountsrun: SELECT SUM(base_discount_amount) as 'Due to Discounts Revenue Loss' FROM `sales_order` WHERE `status` = 'complete';- name: MYSQLTotalSalesCountDueToDiscountsrun: SELECT count(base_discount_amount) as 'Due to Discounts Total Sales Count' FROM `sales_order` WHERE `status` = 'complete';- name: MYSQLProdCartAbandonmentrun: Select c.value as Product Name, sum(q.items_count) as Abandoned Products Count from quote as q join catalog_product_entity_varchar as c on q.entity_id = c.entity_id WHERE customer_email IS NOT NULL AND reserved_order_id IS NULL AND subtotal != 0.0000 AND attribute_id = 73 group by Product Name order by Abandoned Products Count;- name: MYSQLPaymentMethodChangedFrequentlyrun: SELECT o.customer_id, o.customer_email, o.customer_is_guest, COUNT(DISTINCT p.method) AS transaction_count FROM sales_order AS o JOIN sales_order_payment AS p ON o.entity_id = p.parent_id GROUP BY o.customer_id, o.customer_email, o.customer_is_guest HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT p.method) > 1 ORDER BY transaction_count DESC LIMIT 10;- name: MYSQLCustomerAddressChangingrun: SELECT c.entity_id AS customer_id,, COUNT(DISTINCT a.entity_id) AS address_count FROM customer_address_entity AS a JOIN customer_entity AS c ON a.parent_id = c.entity_id GROUP BY c.entity_id, HAVING COUNT(DISTINCT a.entity_id) > 1 ORDER BY address_count DESC;- name: MYSQLCustomerPurchaseSameProdrun: select COUNT(soi.product_id) AS purchase_count, soi.product_id, as 'Product Name', so.customer_email from sales_order_item as soi join sales_order as so on soi.order_id = so.entity_id group by so.customer_email, soi.product_id, HAVING COUNT(soi.product_id) > 1 ORDER BY purchase_count DESC;- name: MYSQLProductReturnedrun: SELECT soi.product_id, count(soi.product_id) as 'Returned Product Count' FROM `sales_order` as o join `sales_order_item` as soi ON o.entity_id = soi.order_id where o.status = 'closed' and o.total_refunded is not null GROUP BY soi.product_id HAVING COUNT(soi.product_id) > 1;
Reinicie el agente de infraestructura.
Antes de que pueda comenzar a leer sus datos, utilice las instrucciones de nuestros documentos del agente de infraestructura para reiniciar su agente de infraestructura.
Instale el dashboardde información valiosa de Magento Business
Vaya a > Add Data > Dashboards
En la barra de búsqueda, escribe "Magento business información valiosa". Debería aparecer el dashboard .
Haga clic en él para instalar.
Su dashboard Magento se considera un panel personalizado y se puede encontrar en la UI Dashboards. Para obtener información sobre el uso y edición del panel, consulte nuestros documentos dashboard .
Consulta tus datos de Magento
¿Está interesado en consultar los datos de su aplicación Magento? Aquí hay un ejemplo de consulta NRQL que verifica el total de clientes registrados en su plataforma Magento:
SELECT LATEST(`Registered Accounts`) AS 'Registered Accounts' FROM MYSQLCustomerEntityRegisteredUsers
¿Que sigue?
Para obtener más información sobre cómo consultar sus datos y crear un panel personalizado, consulte estos documentos: