Useful scripts to verify your work

Our lovely engineering team has put together a handful of useful scripts to make writing for our site easier. Run these commands in your terminal when you're in the docs-website repository directory. Read on for information on how and when to use them.


yarn clean

Use yarn clean to clear out your cache files. This can make your local builds run more smoothly. "I run this every time before I start a local build," one of our engineers told me. Use it liberally and often.


yarn verify-mdx PATH_TO_MDX_FILE
yarn verify-mdx PATH_TO_MDX_DIRECTORY # reads files recursively

Use yarn verify-mdx to check for common issues in your MDX files. It also checks for common image import errors, like mismatches between filenames and image aliases. If you run this command without a file or folder path, it will check every single MDX file in the docs repo. This can take a few minutes.

This is a good one to run when you've touched a lot of MDX files/images or you're just not certain about some changes you've made. It's also good to use this when your local build has failed and you're not sure why.


yarn verify-install-page PATH_TO_BRANCHING_DOC_DIRECTORY

Use yarn verify-install-page to check for common issues with branching doc files. The branching docs are all located in the src/install directory.

This script also passes the install directory to verify-mdx to check for MDX errors.


yarn remove-unused-images

Use yarn remove-unused-images to delete any image file that isn't being used by one of our docs. Specifically, it looks for any image files that don't have a matching import statement anywhere in our docs site.

This one can take a few minutes to run.