Onramps style guide

Our in-product help content provides users with the tools they need to understand the New Relic UI, interpret performance data, and learn how our solutions can help with their problems. Onramps provide more detail than a tooltip. Ideally, they give users essential info so they can stay in the product and keep working, rather than switching over to read the docs.

gif of onramps example in the UI

Content guidelines

Great onramps content should:

  • Be clear and concise. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that users may not understand.
  • Be written in second-person point of view to address the reader. Address the user as you, such as We couldn't find your data.
  • Answer the why and how questions. For example, a user might ask themselves, Why is this important? or How can this information help improve an app's performance? Write content to help users answer these questions to understand the larger context of their application. For example, a user can learn about how APM and logs relate to each other, or how APM and infrastructure relate to each other.
  • Provide additional context to clarify ambiguous or confusing areas in the product. For example, something is not clearly defined in the UI, we can provide additional information to help users understand it. NOTE: this should be a rare edge case. The better solution when something isn't clear in the UI is to work with the team that owns it, their Product Designer, and the Content Design team to improve the UI.
  • Help users get more out of New Relic. Help users get the most out of New Relic. When users are able to use New Relic effectively, they are more likely to continue using our product and recommend us to others. Include information that helps users:
    • Understand what a feature is used for, and the benefits of the feature beyond the existing heading or other content.
    • Perform specific tasks.
    • Understand what to do next. Are there recommended follow-on actions? For example, the Apdex troubleshooting onramp provides a nice example of this. It tells users to Compare the Apdex chart with other charts (like web transaction time and error rate) to look for the causes for the Apdex change.



Onramps usage

Not every section of the UI requires an onramp. Use them primarily at a high level on the page. If the design calls for an onramp in a spot where you don't have much to say, then talk to the designer (Product and Content) and PM for the section about modifying the design or removing the onramp.

If the onramps content isn't in the main place where the feature is (for example, onramps content for the Service levels tile is on the APM Summary page), avoid adding too much detail.


Headers can be any format, as long as they're short/succinct. For example, you can use an FAQ format where the headers are in question format. Just make sure to avoid using first-person pronouns; use "you/your" for users. Here's the Issues tile onramp with titles formatted into questions.

Tile example

If FAQ format is not applicable, use our standard headers for titles.

Content length

If you're not using collapsers, try to keep the character count under 1200 for the entire onramps section.


Since we can't add code formatting to onramps content, use bold and italics to emphasize something as needed.

UI navigation

It's okay to add a link to docs for more details on something, just keep the following in mind:

  • Add a docs link if there's relevant information and it's too long to summarize/explain in onramps.

  • The onramps content will persist after the user clicks on something, so add a docs link if it's relevant to where the user might go next (for example, if you click on the Issues tile and are taken to the Issues page, you'll still see the onramps popup on the same page, so you may want to learn how to configure issue thresholds on this page). NOTE: the onramp will be hidden if the link opens a stacked page. So make sure you know how any links you add will open.

  • Avoid making a link to docs the sole content of an onramp.

  • When linking, use the established UI style for docs links. Only use See our docs for the link text followed by the external link icon.

    If you want to direct users to something relevant in the UI and need to add navigation instructions. For example, if a user clicks on the Issues tile and they want to get alerts for issues (which is on another UI page), add a link directly to the UI page in reference (for example, "Create an alert condition).