
The step component lets you create defined procedures with more structure than ordered lists. Use step when you have a large procedure that would benefit from dedicated space ordered lists don't offer.


There are three things to note when using the step component:

  • All step procedures begin with <Steps> and are closed with </Steps>
  • Each individual step begins with <Step> and is closed with </Step>


The Keyboard Maestro macro for the step component is kkstepgroup.


This is the syntax for a doc with the step component. Below that you can see the step procedure in action:

title: Coffee grinding
How to grind coffee:
First find some fresh beans. The older the beans, the worse your grind will end up.
Pour a drop of water on your (clean) finger and then wiggle it around in your beans. This reduces the amount of static and reduces grind retention in your grinder.
[Read more about the Ross Droplet Technique](
Take your ever so slightly moist beans and put them in your grinder. We recommend you use a modern burr grinder and avoid blade grinders.
Select your grind size. Your grind size depends on how you will brew your coffee. Pour-overs require a fine grind and french presses require a course grind.
Turn your grinder on and enjoy!

Example build

How to grind coffee:

First find some fresh beans. The older the beans, the worse your grind will end up.

Pour a drop of water on your (clean) finger and then wiggle it around in your beans. This reduces the amount of static and reduces grind retention in your grinder.

Read more about the Ross Droplet Technique.

Take your ever so slightly moist beans and put them in your grinder. We recommend you use a modern burr grinder and avoid blade grinders.

Select your grind size. Your grind size depends on how you will brew your coffee. Pour-overs require a fine grind and french presses require a course grind.

Turn your grinder on and enjoy!